Mexican drug cartel caught with military-grade ROCKET LAUNCHERS – the same weapons being sent to Ukraine
By ljdevon // 2023-06-05
Border towns are suffering under the worst U.S. southern border crisis in history, with hordes of people coming into the country illegally. These groups may include innocent women and children who are seeking refuge, but these groups are also riddled with the most abusive, violent drug dealers and human traffickers. To make matters worse, military-grade weapons are turning up in Mexican border towns, creating a war zone at the border. Ever since Biden took office, the violence and power of the Mexican drug cartels have escalated to new heights. The cartel’s latest display of strength was seen in a TV spot that surfaced online, showing cartel members wielding an anti-tank rocket launcher in a border town near Texas.

Cartels at the southern US border now wield rocket launchers

Mexican TV Channel Milenio published an article titled, “Mexican cartels prepare for a war; they have military grade Rocket Launcher.” The video shows a man dressed up in casual clothing, walking away from the camera menacingly, with a military-grade rocket launcher strapped to his side. According to the report, the Gulf Cartel member was caught carrying a "military-grade grenade launcher during a checkpoint in Matamoros, Tamaulipas." Matamoros directly borders Brownsville, Texas. According to Milenio’s Azucena Uresti, the rocket launcher is a Raytheon-made FGM-148 Javelin, which sells on the black market from anywhere between $20,000 and $60,000. These are the same kind of military-grade weapons that are being sent to Ukraine, and now they are turning up at the Mexican border. The use of such heavy artillery is a clear indication that the cartels are willing to go to any length to protect their business interests, including using military-grade weapons against law enforcement agencies and rival gangs. The footage has sparked concerns over the growing power and influence of cartels, which appear to be acquiring increasingly sophisticated weaponry. The use of such weapons not only poses a threat to law enforcement and military personnel but also to innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

US failures abroad are coming back home to its borders

This latest incident highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Mexico in its fight against drug cartels and underscores the need for continued efforts to address corruption and strengthen both law enforcement capabilities and national defense. It is unclear how the cartel obtained these weapons, but authorities are working to track down their source and put an end to their illegal distribution. The investigation highlights the urgent need for stronger measures to combat Mexico's ongoing drug war and prevent further escalation of violence. However, much of the damage at the border and around the world is already done. A future presidential administration may have to consider that the U.S. is under attack and may need to take offensive wartime actions to provide for the common defense, to re-secure the border, and protect the border towns. Under the Obama-Biden Presidency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) was caught running guns into Mexico under Operation Fast and Furious. This empowered the gangs and escalated the violence. Under Biden, the military was ordered to leave behind a large amount of military equipment in the historic, botched Afghanistan withdrawal. This equipment has been dispersed to America’s enemies and may be coming to the southern border. Today, the Biden regime is pumping an untold amount of arms and cash into Ukraine, and this military-grade equipment could also make its way to the border. This out-of-control regime is basically setting the United States up to be attacked by its own weaponry, as the U.S. southern border is primed to become a war zone. Sources include: