Attorney Jared Woodfill blasts Texas House for impeaching AG Ken Paxton WITHOUT DUE PROCESS – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-06-13
Attorney Jared Woodfill blasted the Texas House of Representatives for its impeachment of incumbent state Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton without due process. Woodfill voiced out his condemnation during his June 5 appearance on "The Dr. Hotze Report" on Brighteon.TV. He told program host Dr. Steven Hotze: "This is an impeachment proceeding in the [Texas] House, where there are no rules and standards. It's basically doing what you want to do, effectively a free-for-all." Woodfill, who chaired the Harris County Republican Party from 2002 through 2014, empathized with Paxton. An AG who championed conservative causes, Paxton defeated his Democratic opponent by 10 percentage points during the 2022 midterm elections for another term. However, Paxton now faces 20 impeachment counts after the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach him. The AG was suspended from office on May 27. "I think every American can appreciate the fact that if you're going to try to remove someone from office or you're going to try to undo the will of 4.4 million Texans and take out a statewide elected office holder who's been elected three times," said Woodfill. "You should have at least some pretense or semblance of due process." The former Harris County GOP chair denounced the Left for staging the "bogus and illegal" impeachment process after they failed to "achieve the ballot box" against Paxton during last year's elections. He warned that if this can happen to the AG, it can also happen to anyone. "Like a kangaroo committee; you think of kangaroo courts," Hotze chimed in. "It wasn't a court even if they had already. It's a hatchet job. They wanted to get rid of Paxton and smear his name with the idea that he's been impeached."

RINOs in Texas House to blame for Paxton impeachment

Woodfill's criticism zeroed in on the GOP-led Texas House because it allowed the impeachment against a fellow GOP to proceed. He noted that the state House even formed a secret committee composed of Republicans in name only (RINOs) and Democrats toward this endeavor. The members of this committee had been handpicked by the state House Speaker Dade Phelan – who had been at odds with Paxton for many years. (Related: RINOs in Texas legislature move to impeach 'America first' attorney general, Ken Paxton, who has battled against Big Pharma, Big Tech and the LGBT cult.) This led Hotze to question the fact that only 23 GOP state lawmakers voted against the impeachment. Meanwhile, all the Democrats and RINOs voted to impeach Paxton. "Follow the money," Woodfill answered, saying that Phelan has a lot of power in deciding what committees state representatives lead and serve in. "If you look at the folks that voted against Paxton, that voted for his impeachment – they received a lot of money from Phelan. Lots and lots of money," the lawyer said. According to Woodfill, it was not surprising at all that money dictated the vote against the AG. Reports confirmed that former President Donald Trump quickly sided with Paxton, calling the decision to impeach the latter "very unfair." Trump even vowed to fight any legislator who allowed the process to move forward. While Woodfill echoed the former president's thoughts, he pointed out that Paxton may not get a fair trial in the Texas Senate. "This is a political trial. This isn't a court of law. This is a political process," he told Hotze. "I think a lot of these senators have either made up their minds one way or another." Visit for more stories about the Democrats' attacks on Texas AG Ken Paxton and other conservatives. Watch the full June 5 episode of "The Dr. Hotze Report" featuring attorney Jared Woodfill below. Catch new episodes of the program every Monday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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