CLAIM: Wireless monitors accused of KILLING Churchill Downs racehorses: REPORT
By ethanh // 2023-06-14
This year's Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky., was a disaster due to new electromagnetic radiation (EMF)-emitting devices that racehorses are now being forced to wear, according to published claims. Several horses dropped dead for no apparent reason now that STRIDESafe wireless monitors, as they are called, are being installed on the backs of all the racehorses to monitor their movements. According to reports, STRIDESafe wireless monitors are "shaped like an iPhone" and fit into the cloth underneath the saddle on the horse's back. They can track a horse's movements up to 2,400 times per second throughout a race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. "It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites," explains Mark Crispin Miller, writing for his "News from Underground" Substack blog. "It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse's neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race." (Related: The United States Cattlemen's Association recently launched a special task force to address the latest threat of mRNA "vaccine" poison in meat and dairy.)

Racehorse shoes made from aluminum, one of the "best conductors" for RF radiation

It should also be noted that every racehorse at the Kentucky Derby wears horseshoes made from aluminum, which Miller says is "one of the best conductors" for RF radiation to surge through the horse's body. "... the frequencies that are conducted from both the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip throughout the horse's body are absorbed and reradiated by its four shoes," he added. "Each horse, then, carries not one but six continuously radiating antennas throughout each race at Churchill Downs. So with 14 horses normally competing in each race, there are 84 antennas among animals in close proximity to one another running around the track." On April 29, 2023, numerous horses at Churchill Downs died or suffered severe injuries requiring them to be euthanized. So many horses died, in fact, that it was announced on June 2 that the spring meet at the Downs will be suspended as of June 10. The largest number of horses ever died this year, the same year STRIDESafe monitoring devices were attached to the horses' backs. Coincidence? Hardly. "Officials at Churchill Downs are panicked because horses racing there have died in much larger numbers this spring than ever before," Miller explains. "In 2022, nationwide, about 1.25 deaths occurred for every 1,000 horses starting at the gate. But since April 29, 2023, 12 deaths have occurred among just 1,600 starts at Churchill Downs, a sudden and unprecedented 8-fold increase in racehorse mortality." After an investigation, officials discovered that the only thing that changed about the race this year compared to last was the addition of STRIDESafe monitoring devices. "We have known for decades that horses' lives are shattered by radio waves," Miller says, adding that this has been known since at least 1998 when racehorse trainer Penny Hargreaves participated in an interview about the subject. Hargreaves' 90 horses had to be relocated at that time after an FM radio tower was installed near her property, resulting in all of the horses being negatively affected and two dying. "They were very nervous and jumpy," she revealed. "They all seemed to have sore feet. Horses who had traveled by trailer for years were losing balance while traveling." Miller attempted to reach out to Dr. Jennifer Durenberger, a veterinarian and Director of Equine Safety & Welfare at the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA), about the STRIDESafe devices. As of this writing, she has not yet responded to him. Sources for this article include: