Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: WHO forming new entity to detect infectious diseases worldwide – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-06-14
According to Zelenko Freedom Foundation (ZFF) Co-Chair Ann Vandersteel, the World Health Organization (WHO) is forming a new global entity in partnership with private organizations and major countries to detect infectious diseases around the world. "The WHO is partnering with key countries on all continents and private entities … to form a new global organization to monitor, identify and track diseases," she remarked during the June 5 episode of her program "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" on Brighteon.TV. Vandersteel disclosed that the Rockefeller Foundation is one of the entities involved. However, she also noted that it remains unclear whether the London-based Wellcome Trust is a partner. The website for the WHO's Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence (HPEI) does not name the global health body's partners. Nevertheless, Vandersteel pointed out that the move demonstrates a lack of openness, transparency and integrity on the WHO's part. She said a small group of people at the World Health Assembly (WHA) that a select group of undisclosed partners will have total global control over the prediction data and information of future pandemics. (Related: Ron Armstrong: The WHO wants MORE AUTHORITY in all future pandemics.)

WHO head can declare pandemics on a whim

According to Vandersteel, the WHO and Rockefeller Foundation's initiative involves a "global pandemic radar" that reaches every corner of the planet to detect infectious diseases as they appear. The foundation announced its partnership with the global health body in a May 23 press release. As part of the partnership, the foundation invested $5 million in partners working with the WHO for disease surveillance. WHO Assistant Director General Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu said: "The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19 pandemic underscored that disease surveillance, collaboration between stakeholders, and data sharing were absolutely essential ingredients for health security – and the global community was unprepared. With the increasing threats from climate change, we are excited to partner with the Rockefeller Foundation to usher in a new era of global collaboration in pandemic intelligence." "Climate change is increasing both the risk of another global pandemic and the need to collaborate and share data. Fortunately, the [HPEI] is already making us smarter and safer by helping track threats, find solutions and connect countries and continents," said Rockefeller Foundation President Dr. Rajiv Shah. But according to Vandersteel, the May 23 announcement left no doubt that the new HPEI is focused on pandemics purportedly being caused by "climate change." She also pointed out that the WHO director-general – currently Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – could declare "pandemics" on a whim in the name of health, environment and climate. The Brighteon.TV host ultimately remarked that the WHO and its partners have not been given the authority to make decisions on behalf of the entire world. She lamented how the global health body and its allied globalist institutions have excluded the more than eight billion people in the world from having any say. Moreover, Vandersteel also questioned who is really controlling the data that would be used to declare a global pandemic. Follow MedicalTyranny.com for more news about the World Health Organization. Watch the June 5 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" below. Tune in to "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" every weekday at 8-8:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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