Pledge of GAY-legiance: White House under fire for replacing Old Glory with Pride flag during LGBT event
By bellecarter // 2023-06-15
The White House is under fire for replacing the national flag with the so-called Progress Pride flag during its Pride event last June 10. The LGBT flag was positioned at the center of the White House balcony, flanked by two Old Glory banners. The Biden administration described the June 10 event, held at the South Lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as "the largest LGBT festivity hosted by the White House." The official Twitter account of President Joe Biden posted on the day of the event: "Today, the People's House – your house – sends a clear message to the country and to the world: America is a nation of pride." But several critics – most especially veterans – quickly denounced Biden for permitting the gay banner on the White House, a violation of the U.S. Flag Code. As per the code, the Stars and Stripes "should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of States or localities or pennants of societies are grouped and displayed from staffs." (Related: IT'S A FARCE: Air Force now saluting LGBT community's rainbow flag in celebration of Pride month.) "You would think the White House knows this. They do, they just don't care," Marine veteran Chad Robichaux told the New York Post. Robichaux helped spearhead one of the largest civilian evacuation efforts from Afghanistan after Biden announced that the U.S. will pull out of the country. "Every veteran that has fought for this country and sacrificed so much is disgusted by the symbolism of the Pride flag overtaking our nation's flag at the White House," former serviceman Victor Marx said. Former Marine Mark Geist –who was a member of the annex security team that fought in Benghazi back in 2012 – lamented how "the American flag, which has stood proudly for 246 years, has been relegated to second place."

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Thousands of members of the LGBT community gathered on the White House grounds during the June 10 event. LGBT members of the Biden administration, such as openly gay Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine, were also present. When he delivered remarks at the gathering, the president called for new measures to protect the "rights and safety" of LGBT individuals amid what he dubbed as "terrifying" attacks and laws. Biden urged Congress to pass the "Equality Act" that would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity for protection alongside race, religion, sex and national origin. He also reiterated his call for a ban on "assault weapons" – an infringement of the Second Amendment. "When families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different state to protect their child from dangerous anti-LGTB laws, we have to act," Biden said. "We need to push back against the hundreds of callous and cynical bills introduced in states targeting transgender children, terrifying families and criminalizing doctors and nurses." InfoWars host Owen Shroyer put in his two cents on the White House putting the LGBT flag in the center instead of the national flag during the June 11 edition of "Sunday Night Live." The move, according to Shroyer, "symbolically announced that America has been conquered by the woke mob. The Pride flag was more prominently displayed while the Old Glory was relegated to the flanks." Watch Brannon Howse blasting Biden for proudly hosting the biggest Pride celebration in the White House, while Americans grapple with high food prices. This video is from the Worldview Report channel on

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