Female student RAPED in trans-inclusive restroom at New Mexico school
By ramontomeydw // 2023-06-21
A female student was sexually assaulted in a trans-inclusive bathroom by an older, biological male student in October 2021. Both the victim and perpetrator attended the ASK Academy charter school in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. According to the Post Millennial, the female student who used the pseudonym "Ray" was raped by an older student back when she was 12. The perpetrator entered the restroom while she was washing her hands. Before she knew it, the male student walked over to her, pinned her against the counter and wrestled her to the floor. The perpetrator then held Ray down, ripped her pants and sexually assaulted her. Ray's mother, who went by the pseudonym "Maggie" only learned about the rape months after it happened. She chanced upon her daughter's journal while fixing her daughter's room in April 2022, and confronted Ray over the incident. The mother then reported the rape to the Rio Rancho Police Department and their local Child Protective Services office to document and cross-report the case. Despite this, both authorities were of little help due to their slow response to the matter. Even worse, the perpetrator had been a known offender at the school – and ASK Academy turned a blind eye. In July 2022, the same suspect behind the now-13-year-old Ray's rape assaulted a 14-year-old female student at a neighboring public school. Two additional survivors were also victimized by the same student, but are "too afraid" to come forward. (Related: REPORT: Virginia father arrested after his teen daughter allegedly raped by trans student in public school.) An email Ray managed to obtain also warned of the perpetrator's deeds, having "sexually harassed, bullied, cheated off of and threatened people to get his way for his own gain." The message sent by a female student urged recipients to write an incident report. It added: "The more proof we have, the better chance we can prevent this from happening to anyone ever again."

ASK Academy's acceptance of transgenderism played a huge role in Ray's ordeal

According to Maggie, ASK Academy's embrace of gender ideology was the main reason the male perpetrator took the opportunity to rape her daughter. "We learned that kids were pledging allegiance to the Pride flag instead of the American flag. We [also] learned that some teachers were discussing daily the normalcy of transgender people and gender dysphoria. [Worse,] we have learned that sexual harassment and assault was a commonly trending issue among the high school students at ASK Academy," she said. Ray herself shared that the school fostered an ideologically far-left culture that left little room for dissent. She admitted to feeling pressured by teachers and faculty to accept the presence of men in women's spaces; to keep her mouth shut about any feelings of discomfort; and to avoid doing anything that would be construed as "judging" transgender students. The sexual assault survivor added that ASK Academy had a policy of affirming students who adopted "transgender" identities. The school also supported the transgenders' use of whichever bathroom or locker room facilities they preferred. Ray explained that this meant she was regularly forced to use girls' bathrooms with boys, conditioning her to lower her guard. "A lot of the natural instincts, those emotions, those kinds of barriers or protective … walls that I had up, the school made it feel like those were bad," she said. The loss of these barriers ultimately enabled the perpetrator to violate Ray. Maggie eventually pulled out Ray from ASK Academy and transferred her daughter to a public school. However, the same problem the 13-year-old wanted to stay away from managed to follow her as the Land of Enchantment also embraced gender ideology. Because of this, both Maggie and her husband decided that homeschooling is the safest and only option for Ray. "Ray's story is a gruesome example of what can happen when schools open girls' and women's spaces to men, and instruct children to embrace an ideology that teaches girls to ignore their natural instincts when female-designated spaces are infiltrated by men," the Post Millennial article noted. "It also reflects a larger shift happening in society – where the feelings and comfort of biological men take precedence over the feelings, safety and privacy of women." Watch Gabor "Gabe" Zolna talking about transgender inmates sexually assaulting biological women in prison below. This video is from the zolnareport.com channel on Brighteon.com.

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