Study claims COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene nanobots – and they can be transmitted to the unvaccinated
By zoeysky // 2023-06-21
Thanks to scientists like Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, there is now concrete evidence that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines contain graphene nanobots. Without their research, the public will never know that the allegedly safe vaccines contain microscopic entities made up of graphene oxide that can harm human health.

What are graphene nanobots?

Graphene nanobots are microscopic entities crafted from a material called graphene. These nanobots have captivated the imagination of researchers and innovators across the globe. But behind their seemingly miraculous potential is a terrifying reality – one that could shape the future of humanity in surprising and dangerous ways. Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional lattice. It has amazing properties that have paved the way for breakthroughs in different scientific fields. But the integration of graphene into nanobots takes the technological marvel to a whole new level. Graphene nanobots driven by the power of nanotechnology can easily navigate the intricate terrain of the human body with unprecedented precision. On paper, their potential applications are beneficial and endless. Graphene nanobots can be used for "targeted drug delivery, tissue repair, disease detection, and even neural interfaces." But all profound technological advancements come with questions, particularly about the potential risks and unintended consequences of these inventions. For example, graphene nanobots can be used for infiltration and manipulation. As they navigate through the bloodstream, these microscopic agents can interact with cells, tissues and DNA. The prospect of intentional manipulation and unintended side effects raises alarms about the invasion of bodily autonomy and the potential for irreversible harm. (Related: Vaccinated individuals are “infecting” the unvaccinated with dangerous graphene oxide, says biomedicine expert.)

Graphene nanobots in COVID-19 vaccines

Experts believe that graphene nanobots were added to COVID vaccines through a secretive manufacturing process. Confirmation can be found in a document submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by Pfizer to gain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Initially, the FDA didn't plan to release the document for a minimum of 75 years, but the agency was forced to do so by a federal judge. The document confirms that it is possible for toxic graphene oxide to end up in COVID-19 vaccines via the manufacturing process. Van Welbergen is a renowned nanotechnology expert who has made groundbreaking strides in uncovering the truth about graphene nanoparticles in COVID-19 vaccines. After analyzing vaccine samples, van Welbergen detected the presence of graphene, raising concerns about the impact of these injections on human health. His findings correlate the presence of graphene with the emergence of alarming blood clotting disorders and the destruction of red blood cells. They also highlight the need for immediate and further investigation into the safety and long-term consequences of graphene-containing COVID-19 vaccines. One image from van Welbergen's research shows a blood sample from an unvaccinated three-year-old child. The image shows pieces or "shards" of graphene that have been shed or transmitted from vaccinated parents to their unvaccinated child. Another image shows a blood sample from an eight-year-old unvaccinated child whose blood has been contaminated and destroyed by the transmission of graphene from vaccinated people around him. The child’s right arm and upper right leg are basically paralyzed, leaving him unable to use either limb properly.

Tips for safely eliminating graphene from your body

If you suspect that you have been exposed to graphene nanobots in COVID vaccines, the methods listed below can help reduce the potential long-term effects of graphene exposure. Chelation therapy Chelation therapy involves the administration of chelating agents that bind to heavy metals and other toxins, facilitating their removal from your body. While research on chelation therapy for graphene removal is limited, certain chelators, such as ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), have shown potential in removing various heavy metals from the body. Dietary interventions Certain dietary strategies can assist in the removal of graphene from the body. These include:
  • Eating detoxifying foods – Consuming nutritious foods with natural detoxifying properties, such as cilantro, garlic and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts, can help support your body’s ability to eliminate harmful substances.
  • Following a high-fiber diet – Following a fiber-rich diet promotes digestive health and regular bowel movements. This diet also helps facilitate the elimination of toxins, including graphene, through your digestive system.
Enhancing detoxification pathways One of the primary approaches to facilitate the removal of graphene from the body is to support your body's natural detoxification pathways. You can try different techniques to optimize the function of important organs involved in detoxification, such as your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. These techniques include:
  • Hydration – Drinking a lot of water daily helps you stay hydrated and supports kidney function. Staying hydrated also promotes the elimination of toxins, such as graphene particles, through urine.
  • Liver support – Eating foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can help support liver function and enhance the detoxification process.
  • Sweating – Working out and engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as exercise, can help you eliminate toxins through the skin.
Supplements Taking certain supplements may help support your body’s natural detoxification processes and promote the elimination of graphene particles.
  • Glutathione – Called the body’s "master antioxidant," glutathione has an important role in detoxification. Supplementing with glutathione or its precursor, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), is a great way to support your body’s ability to remove toxins.
  • Vitamin CVitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It can neutralize oxidative stress caused by graphene exposure and support detoxification.
For more news about the adverse effects of COVID vaccines, visit Watch the video below to know more about the graphene found in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. This video is from the chriswillard777 channel on

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