Trump exposes Hunter Biden plea deal, says it is a massive COVER-UP to hide other major crimes
By jdheyes // 2023-06-21
Former President Donald Trump took to his Truth Social media platform on Tuesday, June 20, to decry a plea bargain deal given to first son Hunter Biden after he was under investigation for years and is suspected of engaging in a host of criminal activities. As per the terms of his plea agreement, Biden will admit guilt for willful failure to pay federal income tax, primarily on his foreign earnings. Additionally, he will participate in a "pretrial diversion program" in relation to his gun offense, suggesting that he will not be subjected to imprisonment. By comparison, Trump is facing potential imprisonment of up to 400 years due to allegations of retaining classified information at his residence in Mar-a-Lago. "The Hunter/Joe Biden settlement is a massive COVERUP & FULL SCALE ELECTION INTERFERENCE ‘SCAM’ THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN IN OUR COUNTRY BEFORE. A ‘TRAFFIC TICKET,’ & JOE IS ALL CLEANED UP & READY TO GO INTO THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION – AND THIS AS CROOKED DOJ, STATE, & CITY PROSECUTORS, MARXISTS & COMMUNISTS ALL, HIT ME FROM ALL SIDES & ANGELS WITH BULL….! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!" Trump wrote. Other Republicans also blasted the plea deal as ridiculously lenient, especially given all that Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, are alleged to have done -- crimes including taking a bribe from a foreign business official. Donald Trump Jr. also weighed in, writing in a tweet that the deal “reeks of favoritism and brazenly reveals a system where there are two-tiers of Justice.” “If you are a Republican, Biden’s DOJ will throw the book at you and try to put you in prison for 100 years, but if you happen to have the right last name like Hunter, they will protect you and treat you with kid gloves,” he added. Tom Fitton, head of the watchdog group Judicial Watch, tweeted that the “sweetheart plea deal” is “an ‘in-your-face’ show of contempt for the rule of law.” He also noted that it “Avoids prosecutions tied to foreign bribery and Joe.” Dr. Sebatsian Gorka, a national security expert who worked in Trump's first term, agreed with Fitton that it is a “sweetheart plea deal from his Daddy’s DoJ and IRS.” Business entrepreneur Vivik Ramaswamy, who is a 2024 GOP presidential candidate, tweeted: The Hunter Biden plea deal is a joke. It’s a feigned retreat & reveals they’re even more scared than ever of scrutiny for the real crimes. The real target is the audio tapes of the alleged bribe for Hunter & Joe Biden from the Ukrainian executive of oligarch-owned Burisma. And the hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer funds kicked back to Ukraine to make good on the favor. Don’t buy the deflection, it’s just a smokescreen." “Boy it sure pays to have your daddy in the Oval Office," wrote attorney and conservative influencer Rogan O'Handly. "No felony charges on not filing millions in income many years; no charges for not filing under FARA; no charges on public corruption as reportedly documented in a laptop. Meanwhile, a Dem DA turned an immaterial, rarely-prosecuted possible misdemeanor into 34 felonies on Trump," added another conservative influencer, Yossi Gestetner. Sources include: