Indian-born CEOs flying back to homeland to evade potential charges linked to H-1B visa lottery fraud
By bellecarter // 2023-06-23
Indian-born CEOs are closing shop and flying back to their country of birth to escape potential fraud charges linked to the annual H-1B visa lotteries. Texas immigration lawyer Rahul Reddy, who represents many Indian-owned subcontractors and visa workers, disclosed this fact during an online question and answer (Q&A) session with graduates from India. He shared: "[The CEOs] are getting prosecuted and investigated. That's the reason why some of them are packing their bags and closing their companies." The graduates in the Q&A session were worried about federal probes into the H-1B visa fraud in the annual lottery for 85,000 new work permits. These permits are used to import Indians willing to take jobs for American college graduates at a lower wage. The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant work visa that allows American employers to hire foreign workers with specialized skills to work in the U.S. for a specific period of time. H-1B visa holders typically fill roles that require a bachelor's degree or equivalent in fields such as technology, finance, engineering and architecture. (Related: While tech companies demand amnesty for cheap workers, they are laying off tens of thousands of U.S. employees.) According to Breitbart, many Indian graduates from Indian colleges willingly participate in the fraudulent scheme as the H-1B visas put them on a long, indentured service path to U.S. jobs, green cards and citizenship. But other Indian graduates that come from U.S. colleges oppose the fraud as it hinders their three legal chances to convert their Optional Practical Training (OPT) work permits into H-1B visas. One Indian graduate from the Midwest who gave his name as Manohar told the news outlet: "This is the most important point. Graduates here are working on STEM OPT. They are in their final or penultimate attempt [to win the H-1B lottery] and a legitimate employer employs them. They are the ones who are affected." Manohar also divulged that he knows people around him engaging in the scheme, most of them on their last year of their STEM OPT. He added: "They applied to the legitimate employer where they are employed and submitted another five, six applications through a consultancy [labor broker]. So they got a [fake] job offer [needed to apply for the lottery], which they know is bogus, and everyone knows it is bogus.

DHS turning a blind eye to H-1B visa lottery fraud reports

Manohar told Breitbart he and at least 500 others on a subreddit group have been reporting these H-1B visa lottery fraud cases to the federal government. He unfortunately lamented: "They said they’re investigating them, but there has been no update whatsoever." Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have reportedly been aware of the visa lottery fraud since 2021. Even U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an office under the DHS, knows of the fraudulent activity. However, officials in the department say little about the matter. "USCIS is committed to preventing abuse of the H-1B registration process, by undertaking extensive fraud investigations and referrals for criminal prosecution," the office tweeted. "Only those who follow the law are eligible to file an H-1B cap petition." However, Atlanta lawyer Charles Kuck begged to differ. He told Breitbart in 2021: "There is literally no follow-up to fake filings that we can ascertain, and no effort is made by [DHS to] weed out folks who have filed multiple applications with multiple employers." The news outlet ultimately remarked that Washington's silence over the H-1B visa fraud is "a diplomatic concession" for Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi. The Indian leader strongly backs the H-1B program because it steers vast wealth to his country and his people, at the expense of Americans. More related stories can be found at Watch this video discussing the alien invasion by means of H-1B visas and other issues. This video is from the channel on

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