Mary Fanning: Obama admin handed US ports to foreign firms, including one linked to Saddam associate – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-06-23
Investigative journalist Mary Fanning denounced the Obama administration for handing over U.S. ports to foreign companies – including one linked to an associate of the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. She disclosed this to Ann Vandersteel on the June 19 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" on Brighteon.TV. The Zelenko Freedom Foundation co-chair responded by saying that foreign corporations, entities and countries that do not have Americans' best intentions at heart are taking over U.S. ports. Vandersteel then asked his guest about Gulftainer, which Fanning swiftly denounced. According to the investigative journalist, former President Barack Obama and his vice president – incumbent President Joe Biden – "brought America to the gates of hell" with their deals with the United Arab Emirates-based port operator. "What they did was they brought Gulftainer inside … [and] gave them leases to our ports," Fanning said. They gave [Gulftainer] a 35-year lease to have the cargo container operations at Port Canaveral. They also gave [Gulftainer] a 50-year lease to the Port of Wilmington -- to the entire port, not just a cargo container operation." Fanning and Alan Jones wrote in a June 10 article for the American Report that Gulftainer was kicked out of the Port of Wilmington in Delaware. The company's expulsion at the port followed its 2018 signing of a 50-year lease there. Delaware paper News Journal claimed that Gulftainer was kicked out because it "did not deliver on job promises and expansion plans in its almost five years of operating the port." According to Fanning, Obama and Biden made use of the Department of Transportation's Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants to pay Gulftainer for its Port Canaveral operations. However, the use of these grants allowed the president and vice-president to bypass the review conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) review, which serves as a national security threat analysis. Gulftainer's Port Canaveral terminal is located 1,000 feet from the U.S. Navy's Trident Submarine Turning Basin.

Gulftainer's owner is the brother of Iraqi nuclear program mastermind

Fanning said Gulftainer is led by Hamid Dhia Jafar. Incidentally, his brother and business partner Jafar Dhia Jafar served as the mastermind of the Iraqi leader's nuclear program. Jafar Dhia also ran Iraq's intelligence operations, including a terrorist unit of about 35,000 – equal to the size of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Vandersteel noted that even though Washington had taken out Hussein, it had brought in Gulftainer despite its links with Jafar Dhia. The latter was reportedly on the Department of Defense's list of wanted individual. "They knew exactly who this man was. They brought him inside the wire. He also was on tapes that we captured in Iraq," Fanning told Vandersteel. "In those tapes, Saddam and his cabinet – which included Jafar Dhia – were heard to be talking about putting a nuclear weapon into Washington, D.C. that did not have our fingerprints on it so we wouldn't be able to track it." Aside from this, the investigative journalist said Hamid had other companies in their ownership. The Gulftainer owner had also been under investigation by three congressional committees for funding Hussein and Jafar Dhia's weapons of mass destruction via the oil for food program. Fanning also disclosed that Gulftainer set up a joint venture with two Russian state-owned firms – Rostec and Rosoboronexport – for the export of a Trojan Horse Club-K. The Club-K weapon system opens up via satellite and has a 10-year shelf life. (Related: China thought to be hiding ballistic missiles in shipping containers aboard cargo vessels so Beijing can launch surprise attack anywhere in the world.) The weapons system can launch biological, chemical and nuclear weapons as part of its standard payload. Moreover, the Club-K can also launch hypersonic or EMP weapons. More similar stories can be found at Watch the June 19 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" below. "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" airs weekdays at 8-8:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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