Trump promises to "sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states" if elected in 2024
By ethanh // 2023-06-29
At the recent Faith & Freedom Coalition convention in Georgia, Donald Trump promised to sign a bill outlawing all transgender mutilation procedures on children across the entire country if voters reinstall him into the White House in 2024. The following video shows Trump speaking about how disgusted he is at the transgender craze and what it is doing particularly to young people who are being groomed and indoctrinated into going trans. "Something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say," Trump told the crowd. "It's so ridiculous. It's so horrible and so ridiculous. I will keep men out of women's sports. And I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Prohibited." On day one of his presidency, should he somehow overcome widespread election fraud and get elected again in 2024, Trump will also "reinstate the Trump ban on transgenders in the military," he stated. "Because a warrior should be focused on crushing American enemies, on being strong, on having the image of being strong. They have to be powerful. They have to be strong, especially when you see what's happening in the world today, not catering to radical gender ideology." (Related: It is believed that at least one billion people have already died as a result of Trump's Operation Warp Speed scheme.)

All schools pushing CRT, LGBT on students to lose federal funding under Trump

Trump also told the mostly religious crows that upon being installed president for a second term, he will "immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children." "Can you believe this? Can you imagine saying this 10 or 15 years ago? I will fight for parents' rights," he added. "I will fight for the direct election of school principals by the parents, the parents of the school. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to fire them immediately and select someone who will." The presumption is that Trump will be the GOP candidate in 2024, so he is already speaking in accordance with that, promising to "not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or masked mandate from kindergarten to college." Trump's full speech is available for viewing below: In the comments, someone pointed out that Trump made a lot of promises that he never kept while president the last time around, including most notably his "drain the swamp" rhetoric that never came to fruition. "Remember all the things this spray-tanned clown promised last time?" this person wrote. Another expressed support for Trump's statements, noting that they represent "good common-sense policies." Still another quoted something Trump said after being elected, going back on his statements about "lock her up" in reference to two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton. "That plays great before the election – now we don't care, right?" Trump told a crowd back in 2017 after the inauguration, to which many booed. "Trump just recently proclaimed to Bret Baier that he did not make any mistakes on his Covid-19 response," wrote another, expressing concerns about another Trump presidency. "That tells me that if Trump is president, lockdowns are on the menu again." Would you vote for Donald Trump again in 2024? Learn more about his candidacy at Sources for this article include: