Maine's pro-LGBT Democratic governor signs law allowing 16-year-olds to receive cross-sex hormones without parental consent
By lauraharris // 2023-07-18
Democratic Gov. Janet Mills of Maine has signed a law allowing gender-confused teenagers as young as 16 and 17 years old to receive cross-sex hormones without parental consent, regardless of parental objections. The bill, known as LD 535, defines so-called "gender-affirming" hormone therapy as nonsurgical but "medically necessary" healthcare services "that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient." This definition allows minors to undergo medical procedures to alter their physical sexual characteristics regardless of any input from their parents. (Related: Jennifer Bilek: Gender ideology paves way for TRANSHUMANISM.) Under the new law, 16- and 17-year-olds in Maine diagnosed with gender dysphoria, who have received counseling, and whose parents refuse to support their treatment, will be eligible to receive cross-sex hormones. The law claims that it is harmful for teenagers to not receive the "appropriate care" for their gender dysphoria. In addition to meeting these specific criteria, before they receive the treatment, the teenagers who want to receive gender change services would be required to go through counseling, supposedly to inform them of the consequences of hormone therapy as well as its alleged benefits.

Approval of LD 535 sparks fiery debate between state legislators

The bill, which was approved by Maine's state legislature last month, was met with strong opposition and garnered support along party lines. The House of Representatives voted 73 in favor of the bill and 60 against, with Republican Rep. Sawin Millett crossing party lines to support the measure. On the other hand, Democratic Reps. Kevin O'Connell and Traci Gere joined the Republicans in opposing the legislation. In the Maine Senate, the bill passed by a roll call vote with 20 in favor and 14 against, mostly following party lines. Democratic Sens. Joseph M. Baldacci and David P. LaFountain joined the Republicans to oppose the bill, and no Republicans voted in favor. The signing of LD 535 into law has stirred intense controversy across the state. Last month, a floor debate regarding the bill drew both support and opposition from different representatives. GOP Rep. Katrina Smith, a vocal opponent of the law, stated the potential consequences of LD 535, arguing that the bill was one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation to come before the legislative body that year, emphasizing that it would have lasting effects on future generations. "Gender dysphoria is a mental health epidemic," she said. "Hormone replacement therapy is preying on children. A child should never be told they are not good enough in the body they are born with." Republican Rep. Lucas Lanigan echoed similar concerns, warning against trusting 16-year-olds to make rational decisions. He compared the ability to make significant physical changes to one's body at that age with the limitations placed on minors for other activities requiring parental consent. He added how he believes it is important that parental rights are not stripped away. Democrat Rep. Nina Milliken, by contrast, claimed that her stance comes from personal connections with self-identifying transgender people and her trust in teenagers to make decisions about their own bodies. She further claimed that, as a teacher, she believes it is important to ensure that children have access to supposedly medically necessary care even without the knowledge of their parents. The new law in Maine adds to the ongoing national debate surrounding transgender rights and the extent of minors' autonomy in making decisions about their gender identity and healthcare. Similar legislation has been proposed or passed in other states, reflecting the complex and evolving nature of this societal issue. Watch this episode of "Educated" by FreedomProject Media as hosts Katie Petrick and David Fiorazo discuss how Planned Parenthood is trying to promote puberty blockers for children using cartoons. This video is from the FreedomProject Media channel on

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