Seattle Public Schools to offer "gender-affirming" mutilation to minor children as young as 10 at NO COST, meaning TAXPAYERS will foot the bill
By ethanh // 2023-07-18
Documents obtained by the parental rights organization Parents Defending Education (PDE) reveal that Seattle Public Schools is now offering free "gender-affirming care" to students as young as 10 – free meaning all on the taxpayers' dime. The health centers at Meany Middle School and Nova High School are allowing students to "conveniently" seek sex change procedures and drugs on-site at no cost to themselves and without shame. The Nova Wellness website does not specifically delineate what it means by "gender-affirming care," though we do know that the provider for the two centers, Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC), offers both hormone "therapy" and sex-change surgeries for minor children. According to the facility's self-professed "mission," the goal "is to promote health in transgender, non-binary and gender diverse communities through ensuring equal access to gender-affirming medications and procedures." PDE's director of outreach, Erika Sanzi, spoke out in opposition to the free transgender services now being offered at Seattle Public Schools to pre-pubescent children. "It's bad enough that medical professionals are prescribing cross-sex hormones and cutting off breasts and genitals of minors," she is quoted as saying. "It is a whole new level of awful and terrifying for schools to be involved." (Related: Crime in the 98118 zip code of Seattle has gotten so out of control that the United States Postal Service [USPS] halted mail deliveries there.)

Why are Seattle Public Schools obsessed with harming minor children's genitals?

While puberty blockers are still prohibited for pre-pubescents, students as young as 10 can visit the health center at Seattle Public Schools and request access to cross-sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone at two primary care clinics operated by the CDCHC throughout the city. The aforementioned documents obtained from Seattle Public Schools by the PDE reveal that both centers are "staffed full time by a clinic administrator, medical providers, and a behavior health specialist." "The Nova Wellness Center offers no-cost comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender-affirming care, conveniently at the school," reads another passage from the documents before going on to list and specify some of the services offered. "We bill appropriate services to insurance if you have it. There are never any co-pays or co-insurance to worry about. We also offer services and support to students and families without insurance." The medical services available at the centers include not just "gender-affirming care" but also "wellness physical." There are also other "no cost" services available that take a "trauma-informed" approach. "Gender-affirming care is integrated into everyday primary care so that you can get your hormones in the same place you get your wellness exams, cancer screenings, and treatment for acute and chronic health conditions," reads the Country Doctor website. These services, the site goes on to explain, are offered exclusively to "transgender, non-binary and gender diverse patients," including "gender-affirming medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection teaching as needed," as well as "hormone therapy for adolescents and specialty referrals for younger patients as needed." If children want to get procedures such as a vaginoplasty (the removal of a penis so it can be replaced with a fake vagina) or chest reconstruction, they can do this as well. "Assistance obtaining mental health letters of support for gender-affirming procedures and referrals for internal or external behavioral health counseling," the documents further add about other services that are offered "as needed." The only thing not offered by Country Doctor to underage children at Seattle Public Schools are "puberty blockers for children who have not yet reached puberty are not provided at this time." American public schools have become a cesspool of LGBT perversion and child abuse. Learn more at Sources include: