Big surprise: Secret Service quickly finishes its probe into cocaine found in White House with NO suspects identified
By jdheyes // 2023-07-18
It's no wonder the vast majority of Americans no longer have one shred of faith in their governing institutions. The White House is, without question, one of the most secure buildings in the entire world. It's staffed by security professionals within the Secret Service and is replete with all the modern surveillance technology you could imagine. So, when reports broke earlier this month that cocaine was found near a 'visitor's area' of the White House, the culprit who left it there would be quickly identified and arrested. But no. Instead, the Secret Service announced on Thursday that its investigation has come to an end, and no suspects have been identified. In other words, this is the end of the matter as far as the investigating authority is concerned. The New York Post reported: The Secret Service ended its investigation into cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House after just 11 days without identifying a suspect, enraging congressional Republicans who demanded answers about how an illegal drug got into one of the most secure buildings in the world. In a statement Thursday, the protective agency said its probe was “closed due to a lack of physical evidence” after FBI forensic testing on the bag the cocaine was found in failed to turn up fingerprints or sufficient DNA. “Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered,” the Service said. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) abruptly left a briefing presented to lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee shortly after it commenced on Thursday morning. He passionately denounced the findings as "bogus" and criticized the investigation as a "complete failure," The Post noted. “They know who goes in the White House. They have facial identification, they have — y’all know you can’t go in there without giving your Social Security number anyway, and to say that it’s just some weekend visitor, that’s bogus,” Burchett said. “Nobody’s buying that at all.” According to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Republican lawmakers who remained present during the briefing confirmed that a Secret Service agent discovered approximately one gram of cocaine on July 2. The illicit substance was found inside a storage locker located near the West Wing executive entrance. The agency further revealed that there were no functioning cameras in place to capture any footage of the individual responsible. Boebert stated that the cocaine was specifically located within one of the 182 lockers that had a missing key, The Post added. “They were able to narrow down a list of approximately 500 people that had left a small bag of cocaine,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) told reporters. “My question to them was, have they drug-tested this list of 500 potential suspects that brought an illegal substance, or drug, cocaine, into the White House? Their answer was ‘no’ and that they’re unwilling to do so.” Hunter Biden should have been the first person drug tested. For her part, Boebert claimed the cocaine discovery was not the first involving illicit drugs in the White House. “This is the third time that drugs have been found on the White House property since 2022, and we did not even hear about the marijuana,” she told Just the News. “I certainly did not hear about the marijuana that was found in 2022, two times, and now there’s cocaine on the property. So everything they do is to move along to the next story. They know there will be another Biden crime crisis," she added. Boebert said, “Everything in this administration is about covering up for the Biden crime family.” Another House Oversight Committee member, Rep. Nancy Mace, told Just the News, “The cocaine caper is going to be concluded without any outcome. No suspects, no resolution, which is frustrating because every time there’s something unsavory happening on the president, the White House’s administration, we never get an answer.” Sources include: