Biden Crime Family created more than 20 shell companies to hide illegal payments, launder millions of dollars in illegal bribes
By ethanh // 2023-07-20
After a deep dive into the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) held at the Treasury coupled with a review of numerous bank and individual subpoenas, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has officially confirmed the Biden Crime Family created more than 20 different shell companies to hide all their illegal payments and launder money. These 20-plus entities, Comer further revealed, were used by various members of the Biden Crime Family to accept, forward, and collect payments from a wide range of business associates all over the world. "We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense," Comer told Fox News about the shocking new discovery. "I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world." One of the SARs obtained by the committee shows that Rob Walker, a Biden associate, received a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC China Energy Co. Four members of the Biden Crime Family – Hunter, James, Hallie, and one other unidentified "Biden" – received a cool and collective $1.3 million cut from it. (Related: Back in May, House Republicans learned that the Biden Crime Family tried to hide more than $10 million in foreign kickbacks and bribes from places like communist China and Romania.)

"It pays to be a Biden," House Oversight Committee tweets

In 2014 while vice president under Barack Hussein Obama, Joe the "big guy" Biden made a trip to Romania. The year following Romania's president came to the White House. Days later, a Romanian businessman was charged with corruption wires over $1 million that was funneled to the Biden Crime Family through an American associate. "It pays to be a Biden," the House Oversight Committee tweeted along with the following image showing the cut that Hunter, Hallie, and some other unknown Biden received through the deal: Hunter reportedly sent multiple messages to CEFC through numerous shell accounts the Biden Crime Family created, including Owasco and Hudson West III LLC, resulting in more than $5.1 million being funneled through them within days. "How did they list this on their taxes?" Comer asked about the setup. "Is it a service they provided?" Comer's committee plans to start deposing Biden Crime Family business associates in the coming weeks and months. One of the first will be Devon Archer, one of Hunter's top associates, as Archer's testimony is expected to be the spark that unravels the Biden Crime Family's extensive international business schemes. Archer was Hunter's "best friend in business," reports indicate. He got himself in some serious legal trouble in 2022 after he was caught defrauding a Native American tribal entity. The courts ordered Archer to pay a nearly $44 million judgment to the victims. Before his arrest, Archer worked alongside Hunter on the board of Burisma, a Ukraine-based energy company whose executive, Mykola Zlochevsky, is said to have bribed Hunter and Joe with $5 million each. Whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gave public testimony implicating Hunter Biden, the "big guy," and the entire Justice Department in at least 13 different serious criminal allegations. "We're now at the phase of the investigation where we've accumulated enough bank records to where we can ask these IRS employees specific substantive questions," Comer said. According to the IRS whistleblowers, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf refused to allow investigators to press Joe Biden about whether or not he is the "big guy" always being referenced in these criminal deals. The latest news about the Biden Crime Family can be found at Sources for this article include: