Kamala Harris says the key to clean water and air is GENOCIDE against humanity - "reduce population" the order of the day
By ethanh // 2023-07-20
During a recent speaking engagement at Coppin State College in Baltimore, Md., fake vice president Kamala Harris stated that in order to ensure that more of us can drink clean water and breathe clean air, more people need to die. "When we invest in clean energy ... and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water!" Harris bellowed from the podium, to roaring applause – watch below: It is unclear if there was a teleprompter present during Harris' speech, and if said teleprompter actually told Harris to say what she said. A transcript later uploaded to the White House website reads as follows for what she said: "When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population [pollution], more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water." The suggestion here is that Harris was supposed to says "pollution" rather than "population," but perhaps is unable to read or something. Or perhaps she is just dumber than a box of rocks, which is more than likely the case. Or, she meant what she said. (Related: Kamala Harris believes that federal hurricane relief should be based on skin color – no help for whites allowed.)

Kamala Harris isn't qualified to be a dog walker, let alone vice president

This is hardly the first time that Harris has said something stupid or bizarre while pretending to be America's vice president. Last summer, she put her foot in her mouth after stating that "we gotta take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are, because you have been forced to have to take it seriously." It is routine for Harris to appear unprepared whenever she delivers a speech, almost as if she is not even pre-reading her notes – assuming she has any. Why would this woman continue to appear before the world like this, only to make a mockery of herself? "She always seems so unprepared," one commenter added, "like she was told five minutes before the event that she was giving remarks." When asked at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" a question about inflation and whether or not it was wrong for the Biden regime to claim that it would be "transitory," Harris responded with a word salad about gas, groceries, ports, and something about Build Back Better (6uild 6ack 6etter) – watch below: During another public appearance at "Essence" in New Orleans, Harris waxed non-poetically about culture and joy and, well, watch below and see if you can figure out what she was even trying to say: Then there was that time when Harris describes the conflict in Ukraine, using her own special words: The latest news about fake vice president Kamala Harris can be found at Stupid.news. Sources for this article include: TownHall.com Newstarget.com