Caravan of MIGRANTS march toward the southern border after banding together in Mexico
By kevinhughes // 2023-07-21
A growing caravan made up of nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants is working its way through Mexico in an attempt to cross the border into the United States. The group, made up mainly of Venezuelan immigrants, formed on July 15 in southern Mexico after the illegals banded together. They decided to assemble after many of them ran out of funds for food and had nowhere else to stay. The group walked over a highway in Mexico carrying a Venezuelan flag with the words "Peace, Freedom. SOS." "We just want to move forward, to fulfill our American dream and work, because we're all workers here," said Venezuelan migrant Roseli Gloria. (Related: Near-unanimous Supreme Court ruling: States can't do anything to prevent being overrun by illegal aliens.)

Over 100K illegals waiting in Mexico to cross into the US

The migrant caravan will be joining the more than 104,000 illegal immigrants already camped in Mexico near the border and waiting for their opportunity to either cross "legally" through border checkpoints or to sneak into the U.S. illegally. The estimated number of illegals waiting at the border is substantially higher than the 60,000 originally predicted by former Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz in mid-May. He issued the prediction at a time when Title 42 rules had ended, causing a massive surge of migrants and so-called "asylum seekers" at the border. Even though the government has imposed tougher penalties for those caught trying to enter America illegally, almost 43,500 immigrants are being "processed" into the country supposedly legally each month since Title 42's expiration through the government's CBP One mobile app. This has led to tens of thousands of illegals – mainly Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans – to camp at the border and try their luck for one of the 1,450 regular appointments provided through the app. Figures acquired by the New York Post show that in Tijuana alone – directly south of San Diego – there are at least 17,000 so-called asylum seekers waiting to be processed, an increase of around 1,000 since May thanks to the last-minute rush of illegals making their way to the border to attempt a crossing. In the Mexican city of Matamoros – just across the border from Brownsville, Texas – there are another 8,000 illegal immigrants waiting in shelters, camps or simply sleeping out on the streets per city officials. In Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, charity workers noted that the conditions there are fluid, with hundreds of migrants regularly coming and going. But they noted that there are between 6,000 to 12,000 illegals in the city at any given time, all of whom are seeking refuge in America and crossing legally through border checkpoints or illegally by way of so-called "coyotes" or people smugglers. "There are quite a few people waiting for CBP One. We’re in the thousands, probably, but not too high. I'd hesitate to give anything more concrete," said Dylan Corbett, Executive Director of the Hope Border Institute in El Paso, Texas, which provides aid for illegals across the border in Juarez. Many of the migrants camped out in Mexico believe they have legitimate asylum cases and are waiting the 90 or so days it normally takes refugees to get an appointment through the CBP One app. If the migrants receive an appointment, they are then granted an interview after the waiting period wherein CBP officials decide if they meet the necessary criteria to be granted asylum. If they meet the criteria, they are permitted to enter the U.S. and pursue their asylum claim in the country and get a work permit. Due to the time it takes to process asylum seekers, these migrants can "legally" remain in the country for years until their cases appear in court. Asylum seekers who do not pass the interview are either deported from America or are not allowed to enter. If they do not break any immigration laws, they are not likely to be penalized, meaning they may reapply for asylum after a certain period of time. Follow for more news about immigrants entering America. Watch Stew Peters explaining how the Biden administration's Department of Homeland Security colludes with Mexico to coordinate the border invasion. This video is from the Heaven Reigns channel on

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