Kooth mental health portal is GROOMING underage children into transgender LGBT lifestyles
By ethanh // 2023-07-25
A leading mental health support and advice platform for children and young people aged 10-25 in the United Kingdom is also one of the most influential websites pushing LGBT transgenderism on underage youth. One of the first things Kooth asks people signing up for its services to indicate is which gender they are ... out of four different choices: male, female, agender, and genderfluid. Right out of the gate, in other words, Kooth is grooming children to think in LGBT terms. Kooth is closely affiliated with and accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), whose position on transgenderism and other LGBT expressions is as extreme as that of Stonewall or Mermaids. "BACP was a key player in the contentious addition of gender identity to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Conversion Therapy in 2017," writes Shelley Charlesworth for Transgender Trend. "This development of the MOU, based on no evidence whatsoever of a problem with 'anti-trans' therapy in the U.K., has had a chilling effect on therapists wanting to work with gender distressed children. BACP's evidence to the government's conversion therapy consultation is written from an ideological, political approach to gender, particularly in relation to children." (Related: Check out our earlier coverage to learn more about the high-tech genital surgery robots that an Oregon surgeon uses to crank out a "high volume" of child sex changes.)

Number of kids with gender dysphoria rose by 552% between 2014 and 2018

Kooth staff member Charlotte Mindel wrote a piece for the BACP website in 2019 revealing the massive increase in demand for "gender-affirming care" that occurred between 2014 and 2018 when Barack Hussein Obama was president of the United States. "In the period 2014–2018, we have seen a 552 per cent increase in the recorded presenting issue of gender identity, accounting proportionately for the increase of users over that time," Mindell revealed. "What this means is that across the population of young people we work with, six times as many are exploring their gender identity in some form." It should be noted that nowhere on the Kooth platform is it explained that since 2018, there have been numerous major changes in the gender transition services available in the U.K. – including the closure of the Tavistock Clinic. The site also ignores the findings of the Cass Interim Report. Kooth's primary focus in the LGBT realm is simply to affirm whatever a child says or believes rather than try to help that child overcome his or her gender dysphoria and live like a normal, natural person without drugging or mutilation. "According to Kooth, the most used form of therapy on the site is peer to peer-to-peer or self-help," Mindel further writes about the Kooth model of spreading LGBT confusion. "We know social contagion is a major driver spreading gender ideology. What appears to be happening here is that an online platform, which is supposed to offer qualified, evidenced mental health support, has handed over the job to the teenagers." Kooth's services are "free" – meaning taxpayers foot the bill – so this is even more enticing to children who may feel as though they have nothing to lose by signing up for its services. As long as a local authority or Integrated Care System has signed up for Kooth, its services are available to anyone living in the area. "The service is promoted to the target community by public bodies, GP surgeries, hospitals and many other health agencies," Mindell explains. "Kooth staff visit schools and youth groups in person to promote the service. It also partners with other online educational resource providers." Transgenderism is a gateway to legalized pedophilia. Learn more at Transhumanism.news. Sources for this article include: TransgenderTrend.com NaturalNews.com