FBI says it has partially verified details in bribery allegations involving Joe and Hunter Biden
By jdheyes // 2023-07-27
FBI agents informed the Delaware U.S. attorney's office that they had already verified numerous details in an FD-1023 detailing allegations of bribery involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, a source told The Federalist. According to the outlet, when the Pittsburgh FBI office presented evidence linking Hunter and Joe Biden to a bribery scheme to the Delaware U.S. attorney's office, the agents also informed the Delaware team that they had already verified several elements of the confidential human source's statements. Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, released the FD-1023 summary last week. According to the source, the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in bribes, with the intention of the then-Vice President providing protection to Burisma from various issues. Additionally, the bribes were in addition to the more than $4 million already paid to Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer for their positions on Burisma's board of directors, The Federalist noted further. The Federalist has recently obtained information indicating that the Pittsburgh FBI office had verified several details mentioned in the FD-1023 during the intake process. This process was set up by former Attorney General William Barr before the election under the guidance of then-U.S. Attorney Scott Brady from the Western District of Pennsylvania. Importantly, during the briefing of the Delaware U.S. attorney about the evidence pertaining to Ukraine, the Pittsburgh FBI agents disclosed that they had corroborated multiple facts presented in the FD-1023, the source told the outlet. After conducting a late June 2020 interview with the Confidential Human Source (CHS), the Pittsburgh FBI office obtained travel records for the CHS. The records validated that the CHS had indeed traveled to the locations specified in the FD-1023 during the relevant time frame. The trips included a visit to Kiev, Ukraine, in late 2015 or early 2016, a subsequent trip to Vienna, Austria a couple of months later, and travel to London in 2019, The Federalist noted further. The Federalist previously reported that, during their briefing of the Delaware U.S. attorney's office, the Pittsburgh FBI agents highlighted the FD-1023's credibility and the need for further investigation. The individual familiar with the briefing has now verified that the agents also informed the Delaware office that the Pittsburgh FBI had corroborated the presence of the CHS in the various cities during the specified time periods. The outlet has also learned that the handler of the CHS corroborated the CHS's assertion of having met with Oleksandr Ostapenko. As per a source familiar with the matter, the CHS's handler informed the Pittsburgh FBI agents that the CHS had mentioned having a future meeting scheduled with Ostapenko. Notably, this contemporaneous claim by the CHS about the planned rendezvous with Ostapenko aligned with the timing of one of the visits the CHS had reported in the FD-1023 as having taken place with Ostapenko. The Pittsburgh office provided the Delaware office with a briefing on the corroborating evidence obtained from the CHS's handler. Open-source reporting regarding Burisma's acquisition of a stake in a North American oil and gas company aligned with the discussions conveyed by the CHS to the FBI, as summarized in the FD-1023, according to the source who spoke to The Federalist. The significance lies in the fact that the Pittsburgh FBI office not only shared a comprehensive summary of the incriminating FD-1023, emphasizing its credibility but also presented multiple pieces of corroborating evidence to the Delaware office. That is crucial because, up until now, there seems to have been no action taken by the Delaware office to investigate the allegations outlined in the FD-1023, the outlet reported. Joe Biden is dirty. His entire family is obviously corrupt. If Republicans don't impeach him, then they don't deserve to be in office. Sources include: TheFederalist.com NaturalNews.com