Hunter Biden implicated in a 'laundry list' of corrupt overseas business practices as father Joe Biden intimately involved
By jdheyes // 2023-08-07
The current occupants of the White House have lorded over the most corrupt and criminal family enterprise since the days the Mafia was running entire cities. According to a series of reports this week -- based on hard data gleaned from Hunter Biden's infamous laptop; from sources with knowledge of the Biden family's inner workings; from whistleblowers who have provided congressional testimony under oath; and from previous revelations -- it is patently clear that President Joe Biden, his son, his brother, and perhaps even other members of his family are likely guilty of a range of crimes including taking bribes and illegally acting as a representative of a foreign government. "The information lays out a laundry list of potential foreign influence violations that span China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Mexico and other Latin American countries," reported earlier this week. The report on Monday added: The new legal peril for Hunter, 53, comes on the day his former partner Devon Archer is set to testify before the House Oversight Committee where he is expected to tell of alleged links between then Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter’s murky web of international business contacts. Hunter’s lawyers thought he would be let off the hook when he appeared in court in Delaware last week but Trump-appointed federal Judge Maryellen Noreika threw out a plea deal that had been slammed as a ‘slap on the wrist.'  That meant a separate diversion deal that would have ensured no further prosecutions on issues probed by Delaware prosecutor David Weiss also fell by the wayside. has unearthed evidence of Hunter's international business engagements that appear to tread dangerously close to violating the anti-foreign lobbying act. Some of these dealings even involve his father, Joe Biden. In an exclusive interview with in November last year, a whistleblower asserted that he was on a 2012 phone call with the then-vice president and Hunter Biden, discussing an online gambling business in Latin America. "With the direct observations I had, it's obvious Joe was participating in the business," the source told the outlet. "He wasn't passive, he was talking about it. If I had to describe him, he was like a member of the Board of Directors." Attorney Jeff Cooper, who was involved in the gambling venture alongside Hunter Biden, is said to have been present on the call. He is not only a Biden family friend but also a long-time significant donor to the president. He called the source's claims a "complete fabrication." But according to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), Archer's closed-door testimony on Monday essentially supported the's source. In fact, Archer’s statements established “a real quid pro quo," Comer claimed -- not like the supposed quid pro quo with Ukraine that led to then-President Donald Trump's impeachment by the Democrat-controlled House. Archer allegedly informed the Oversight Committee that in December 2015, Hunter Biden faced pressure to leverage his connections in order to address Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings, the firm that employed Joe Biden's son at the time. Archer contended that the company's survival hinged on the intervention of the Biden family; at the time, then-President Barack Obama had put then-Vice President Joe Biden in charge of handling U.S. affairs with Ukraine. The GOP chairman recalled that “[i]t’s just unbelievable…We’ve brought forward, a few weeks ago, an FBI document that alleges that Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme for this very scenario…Now we know, despite Joe Biden saying he never had any knowledge of any of this, that he regularly spoke on the phone with the owners of these companies.” “When in American history has a vice president ever taken an active role and demanded that a prosecutor be fired in a foreign country for simply investigating a business that was domiciled in that foreign country? Never. The evidence continues to mount that the real quid pro quo pertaining to Ukraine in Burisma was Joe Biden," Comer added in an interview with Just The News. Comer went on to say that Joe Biden got Shokin fired because “he was closing in on his son” through the Burisma corruption investigations. “I think that was basically what we learned today, and, you know, more and more people are going to come forward now,” Comer noted, referencing Archer's supposed testimony. The evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Biden family in Ukraine raises significant questions about the foundation of Trump's first impeachment; Trump was accused of misconduct in a phone call with President Zelensky, where he inquired about Biden's alleged actions in connection to Burisma. The Kentucky Republican argued that phone conversations between Hunter and Joe Biden were evidence of “influence peddling” and that “[t]hey were selling access to Joe, and I think most people in America would have a problem with that.” “It was also mentioned that Joe Biden met with that Russian oligarch…I don’t know that we knew that. And yet, that Russian oligarch was one of the few oligarchs, the only oligarch that didn’t get sanctioned by Joe Biden," Comer continued. “And then you look at the decision as vice president where he went on TV and admitted and bragged about firing the prosecutor. Those are two decisions Joe Biden made as president and vice president that was counter to the best interests of the American people, but where he put the Biden family first and America last," said Comer. Sources include: