RFK Jr. sues YouTube, Google over "misinformation policies" that violated his First Amendment rights
By ethanh // 2023-08-08
Children's Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking aim at YouTube and its parent company Google for violating his and many others' First Amendment rights through censorship. The 2024 presidential candidate says YouTube flat-out engaged in a "censorship campaign" against him that included removing videos of his speech at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, as well as interviews he did with clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson and podcaster Joe Rogan. Filed on August 2 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Kennedy's complaint alleges that the United States government under fake president Joe Biden has taken "extraordinary steps to silence people it does not want Americans to hear." Because of this censorship regime between Big Tech and Big Government, Kennedy as a valid presidential candidate has been limited in reaching the tens of millions of potential voters who are interested in hearing his message and platform. The lawsuit states that it is expected the censorship regime will remain in place and fully functional throughout Kennedy's campaign, and will likely intensify the closer we get to the primaries. "Mr. Kennedy often speaks at length about topics people would like to ignore, including the negative health effects of toxic chemicals and potential safety concerns about the COVID-19 shots," the complaint reads, adding that YouTube uses its fascist "medical misinformation" policies as an excuse to silence him and others. (Related: Kennedy is a genuine environmentalist, not a climate cultist like the rest of the Democrat Party.)

YouTube, Google guilty of election interference with Kennedy censorship

Not only is YouTube guilty of censoring various comments that Kennedy has made concerning pertinent medical issues, but it is also guilty of interfering with his campaign-related speeches and interviews, which is also known as election interference. Even though YouTube is considered a private company, it is not acting as a mere provider of content by interfering with Kennedy's speeches and other content. By silencing him through censorship, the suit states, YouTube and Google are acting as both provider and publisher of content. This is problematic because YouTube has become "an important platform for political discourse in America, a digital town square that voters trust as a place to get news and opinions about the issues of the day," the suit states. "YouTube operates as a public forum, the digital equivalent of a town square. As such, it cannot remove protected speech, especially political speech, based on its viewpoint. There is a sufficiently close nexus between YouTube and the federal government such that YouTube's actions may be fairly treated as that of the government itself." Despite citing its own Covid-19 "vaccine" misinformation policies as an alleged valid excuse to engage in censorship, Kennedy says these policies "rely entirely on government officials to decide what information gets censored." YouTube does not allow any content that "contradicts local health authorities' (LHA) or the World Health Organization's (WHO) medical information about COVID-19," meaning these entities are somehow allowed to override the First Amendment just because YouTube has decided they should be allowed to do this. YouTube's entire misinformation policy infrastructure is inherently "unconstitutional," Kennedy says, because it is "vague" and "overbroad," and "because they give unnamed government officials, who the policies depend entirely on, the unfettered discretion to decide what information gets removed from YouTube." By seeking injunctive relief, Kennedy hopes to prohibit YouTube from further censoring his speeches and other campaign-related materials. We, too, hope that he is successful, though it would be even better if YouTube was prohibited from censoring everyone, though we will not hold our breath on that one. Learn more about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s run for president in 2024 at VoteDemocrat.news. Sources for this article include: ChildrensHealthDefense.org Newstarget.com