CNN poll: MAJORITY of Americans do not want taxpayer dollars to fund Ukraine's war effort
By arseniotoledo // 2023-08-09
A new poll released by mainstream media outlet CNN found that a majority of Americans do not approve of Congress or the administration of President Joe Biden spending more taxpayer dollars to fund Ukraine's war effort. The poll, released on Aug. 4, found that 55 percent of Americans believe Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine. Forty-five percent believe Congress should authorize such funding. (Related: Ukraine received $1.25 billion grant from US taxpayers to pay the wages of government employees.) When asked whether or not they believe the U.S. has already done enough to help Ukraine, 51 percent agreed while 48 percent said the U.S. should do more. A majority – 68 percent – of those who want the U.S. to do more favor additional funding for Ukraine. When asked specifically about the types of assistance the U.S. could provide to Ukraine, 63 percent believe the best support the country can give is intelligence gathering (63 percent) and military training (53 percent). Only 43 percent want the U.S. to provide more weapons, and a very slim 17 percent believe the U.S. should put boots on the ground to participate in combat operations. Concerns about whether the conflict could lead to skirmishes outside of either Russia or Ukraine have also diminished to 64 percent, compared to 77 percent when the conflict began. Those concerned about a broader conflict erupting in Europe also decreased from 80 percent last February to 59 percent in July. Those concerned about the conflict threatening American national security also diminished significantly from 72 percent in February 2022 to just 56 percent in July. The CNN poll was conducted by polling and market research company SSRS from July 1 through 31 among a random national sample of 1,279 adults initially reached by mail. Surveys were conducted either face-to-face with an interviewer or by telephone. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.

Despite public opinion turning, Biden administration unlikely to change policy

Support for Ukraine is likely to be a major issue in the upcoming elections. Despite the change in public opinion, Biden is likely to continue demanding that Congress remain steadfast in providing support for Ukraine. Back in June, Biden and Congress approved another $2.1 billion aid package to Ukraine, and the White House promised even more support in the future. Providing more taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine also has bipartisan support, as Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and war hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are very outspoken about their support for continuing the flow of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. But more and more Republicans are becoming outspoken about reducing or outright eliminating U.S. support for Ukraine, including members of the House of Representatives and several of the people vying for the GOP's presidential nomination. If one of these candidates gets elected, that person would very likely take a second look at how much strain continued support for Ukraine puts on American taxpayers. Regular Republicans are also thinking twice about continued support for Ukraine, as a solid majority – 71 percent – believe Congress should stop authorizing any new funding for the country because the U.S. has done enough. CNN's poll noted that 77 percent of Americans are worried that the war will continue without a lasting resolution for a long time. This percentage remains high among party lines – 82 percent for Democrats, 75 percent for independents and 73 percent for Republicans. Unless any significant changes occur in the national executive and legislative leadership, it is likely this concern will be vindicated. Learn more about the conflict in Ukraine at Watch this clip discussing the Polye-21 electronic jamming system that is easily taking down expensive Western-supplied equipment in Ukraine. This video is from the channel The Prisoner on

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