Here's more PROOF that the January 6 "insurrection" was a staged INSIDE JOB from the very beginning
By ethanh // 2023-08-14
New evidence has emerged to show what many have long suspected: that the January 6 "insurrection" in support of Donald Trump was a staged event, i.e., an inside job. Have a look at the following video in which you can hear a police officer inside the Capitol asking about wristband "identifiers" to keep track of who was who: The context of this is that there were undercover cops present during the event that used special wristbands and guns with a "candy stripe" on their barrels. This allowed those ringleading the false flag incident to identify each other as they performed the operation. (Related: Remember when Samuel Montoya, an Alex Jones-associated journalist who was at the Capitol on January 6 as a reporter to document it, was sentenced to home detention for the crime of his mere presence?)

How much more evidence needs to be released before everyone agrees that January 6 was a setup?

Many people had already noticed some of these identifiers, including orange stripes that were used on the backpacks and helmets of the law enforcement insiders who were there as agitprop facilitators. "I posted many screenshots online warning people to leave," tweeted Andrew "Drew" Mullins, a U.S. Navy Seal, about how he urged his followers who were present in Washington, D.C., at the time to leave for their own safety. "By end of day I was suspended from Twitter ... Go review Jan. 6 video footage & you will see many dozens of frontline undercover agitprops with similar markings on helmets, backpacks & hats." Many are focusing primarily on the wristband element and not recognizing the gravity of what they prove, which is that known agitators were staged at the "insurrection" from the very beginning. "Every day, there is new and more incriminating evidence that J6 was a setup," tweeted another. "Who set it up? Nancy Pelosi. Why? She saw an opportunity to blame Trump and his supporters for protesting a rigged election." The person who tweeted this perspective went on to state that special counsel Jack Smith is pushing forward with plans to go after Donald Trump using "novel legal theories without precedent," and pursuing his case in the D.C. court system, the constituents it represents being 93 percent Democrat. All of this clearly explains why the powers that be have been fighting tooth and nail to keep all video evidence of the "insurrection" private. If the general public saw all this with their own two eyes, it would be clear that January 6 was a false flag – and we cannot have that. "There was a video on YouTube right after Jan. 6th showing capital officers going into the crowd and attempting to arrest or talk to somebody who then said 'I'm FBI' and showed them his credentials," someone else tweeted about another obvious piece of proof that January 6 was staged. "That video disappeared shortly after and I’ve never been able to find it again." Another important little tidbit from January 6 is that not a single protester was ever proven to be carrying actual firearms inside the Capitol building. The only people locked and loaded were the law enforcement spooks who were staging the whole thing in order to blame it on Trump and his supporters. The latest news about government-staged false flag events like the January 6 "insurrection" can be found at Sources for this article include: