Psychiatrist launches book that urges adults to go with "parental instincts" in guiding "trans-identified youth" instead of trusting the woke mob
By bellecarter // 2023-08-16
Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist Miriam Grossman turned to Twitter on July 18 to excitedly announce the launch of her book titled "Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness," a guide that would arm parents with the ammunition to fight the madness of "woke" and left ideologies of the elite globalists on child mutilation and gender alteration. "Don't be blindsided like so many parents I know," Grossman said in the book description, "be proactive and get educated. Feel prepared and confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table. No family is immune, and every parent must be prepared." It is already common knowledge to everybody that physically healthy children and adolescents are being permanently disfigured and sometimes sterilized nowadays. Those youth say they're transgender and the "woke mob" convinced people – be it families, educators or doctors – to happily agree with minors' self-diagnosis and even encourage them to alter their bodies in order to align them with their minds. President Joe Biden's administration has overwhelmingly expressed its full support to the transhumanism principles and doctrines of the woke generation. The POTUS is signing orders, hosting events and speaking in interviews on how far he is willing to go to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). (Related: Transgender HHS official confirms that Biden fully supports child mutilations.) "This would not be acceptable in any other field of medicine. Indeed, the treatments our medical authorities and Washington call 'crucial' and 'lifesaving' have been banned in progressive Sweden, Finland, and Britain," Grossman stressed. In the book, the author implored parents to reject the advice of gender experts and politicians and trust their guts, their parental instincts, in the face of an onslaught of ideologically driven misinformation that steers them and their children toward risky decisions they may end up mourning for the rest of their lives, the description read. Grossman believes that parents know their child best as they especially know if they have a son or daughter. "But currently in our country when it comes to gender identity, everyone knows better than mom and dad. Schools enable students to live double lives – Patrick at home, Patti at school. Activists tell kids their loving homes are 'unsafe' when parents voice doubts about the child's new identity. For refusing to see their son as their daughter, parents might be reported to protective services, a development that can lead to a family’s destruction," she further highlighted. Even before gender ideology became "popular," she already warned parents about its falsehoods and dangers in her 2009 book about sexuality education, "You're Teaching My Child WHAT?" Her work has been translated into eleven languages and she has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations.

Study finds puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have low scientific quality

In an op-ed Grossman wrote for the Daily Wire, she pointed out that "real experts" acknowledge how scientific knowledge of gender dysphoria is massively lacking. According to the American Psychological Association, because no approach to working with transgender and gender nonconforming children has been adequately, empirically validated, consensus does not exist regarding best practices with pre-pubertal children. In 2020, Grossman cited, the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) did a systematic review of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and found evidence that the medications' "potential benefits are of very low certainty." Also, Dr. Stephen Levine, a pioneer in the study and treatment of sexuality and gender problems since 1974 wrote in an expert affidavit that the knowledge base concerning the causes and treatment of gender dysphoria has low scientific quality. Professor Carl Heneghan, Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal and director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, along with Professor Tom Jefferson, a clinical epidemiologist, completed an independent analysis of research on transgender medical interventions. Wherein they found the "quality of evidence is terrible." Not only that, but research proves that gender alteration medications and procedures are inefficient; they even carry high and mostly irreversible health risks such as infertility, sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and, for some, crippling emotional pain. "For the White House to state that early affirmation of children with gender issues is 'crucial' is a dangerous falsehood, one that misleads parents and places children at risk for serious harm and lifelong suffering," Grossman pointed out. Bookmark for more stories similar to this.

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