Undercover journalist exposes ADL for dark and nefarious social media censorship plot
By ethanh // 2023-08-16
An X (formerly known as Twitter) user by the name of "Kyle is Based" conducted a citizen journalist investigation into the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its pro-censorship agenda. Just like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and other such left-wing organizations, the ADL is hugely focused on "canceling" its opponents through online censorship. In total disregard of the United States Constitution, and specifically the First Amendment, leaders at the ADL were caught expressing casual disregard for free speech violations, as if such violations are perfectly normal and even expected. The ADL appears to be specifically focused on Elon Musk and his new X platform, as they seek to have Musk ban certain accounts on its private "hit list" – watch the five-part video series below: (Related: Remember back in 2020 before the election when the ADL, in conjunction with the NAACP, called for a Facebook boycott because the social media platform supposedly was not doing enough censoring for their liking.)

Will the ADL get to Musk and have him turn X into just another highly censored Twitter?

"Kyle Undercover," as he also calls himself, tweeted a sixth bonus tweet dedicated to Mary Phagan, which you can watch below: In short, the ADL is just another cog in the wheel of Big Tech censorship. Like the ACLU, the SPLC, and others, the ADL holds massive sway over what is allowed to be shared online – and now they are going after X, which Musk took private for the stated purpose of cleaning things up and stopping all the censorship – though, we are told, censorship is still the same on X or even worse, in some cases. Keep in mind that the ADL et al. are basically doing the bidding of the federal government, which cannot overtly censor Americans because to do so would be a violation of the Constitution. So, the spooks in Washington, D.C., contract it out to "non-profit" organizations instead. Censorship is antithetical to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Learn more at Censorship.news. Sources for this article include: Revolver.news NaturalNews.com