FBI entrapped neurodiverse teenager in sinister terrorism scheme, mom alleges
By ethanh // 2023-08-18
Another bizarre Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) entrapment scheme has come to light, once again demonstrating that this powerful three-letter government agency is corrupt to the core. The incident began back in June 2022 when Colorado woman Deanna Meyer called her local sheriff about violent and terroristic statements that her mentally ill 17-year-old son, Davin Meyer, was making at the time. The sheriff who spoke to Meyer reportedly contacted the FBI about the matter, which then began communicating directly with Davin online. Several months later, the FBI arrested Davin as he was about to board an airplane, allegedly to travel to the Middle East so he could join ISIS. Davin is no ISIS fighter, his mother claims. He is just a now-18-year-old young man with autism, depression, and anxiety – and no friends. The FBI apparently took full advantage of Davin by exploiting his "neurodiverse" characteristics and grooming him to attempt to join a terrorist group so they could catch him before he got that opportunity. Deanna is deeply grieved that she ever even contacted law enforcement in the first place. In a recent detention hearing, Deanna blamed the FBI for ensnaring her son in this phony terrorism plot, which is something he would have not otherwise attempted, his mom says. "I bet my life he would never do that without that encouragement [from FBI informants]," Deanna stated, explaining further how her son communicated with at least two FBI informants in chat rooms from last November until the time he was arrested trying to board a plane to the Middle East. (Related: A whistleblower has come forward to claim that the FBI is plotting a scheme to criminalize traditional Catholicism.)

Judge dismisses Deanna's concerns, orders Davin to remain in FBI custody

Despite her pleas, Deanna was rejected by U.S. Magistrate Judge Reid Neureiter, who ordered Davin to remain in the FBI's custody indefinitely. Neureiter cited the allegation that Davin threatened his mother's life while he was still a minor, though Deanna says her son never threatened her until he turned 18. Neureiter did, however, acknowledge Deanna's arguments in his five-page order. "The mother testified at the detention hearing that she never believed he would likely move ahead with his expressed intentions, and the defendant only took steps to travel to the Middle East after finding a 'community' online, which included confidential FBI sources," Neureiter said. "According to the defendant's mother, he has 'never had a friend' and finding this community that appeared to be supportive of his plans is what likely caused him to act by buying the ticket to fly to Turkey." Neureiter further acknowledged Davin's mental health problems in his decision, revealing that he has been diagnosed with all sorts of scary-sounding conditions like low processing speed, massive depression, adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood, a specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics, and major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate. It is thus in the public interest, Neureiter concluded, for Davin to remain incarcerated. He added that he will reconsider his order only if the Meyer family can find what he considers to be a suitable mental health facility to house Davin. "This is a difficult situation, and must be extremely heart-wrenching for the defendant's family, in particular his mother, who has long believed the defendant needs help and therapy," Neureiter said in conclusion. "Putting a defendant with his disabilities in jail, pending trial, will not address his condition nor provide the therapy that he apparently needs. It will, however, ensure that he cannot do violence to anyone." The latest news about the highly corrupt FBI can be found at FBIcorruption.news. Sources for this article include: HeadlineUSA.com Newstarget.com