PBS unveils "climate psychology therapist" to help mentally ill climate fanatics cope with carbon
By ethanh // 2023-08-18
On Sunday, PBS NewsHour introduced a "climate psychology therapist" whose job it is to help viewers suffering from so-called "climate anxiety," a psychotic disorder of the mind in which a person comes to believe that the earth will become too warm unless everyone except the billionaires stops eating meat and driving gas-powered cars. It seems as though many media-programmed Americans have fallen for the lie that the planet is getting too hot because We the People are not doing our part to allow the globalist overlords free rein over our lives. As such, climate anxiety is spreading like a virus, and PBS is there to help. "This summer, millions of Americans are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change," announced anchor John Yang. "Triple-digit temperatures for days on end, smoke from record-setting wildfires fouling the air, warming oceans, bleaching coral reefs." "Psychologists say that can be a positive thing, spurring people to action. But for some people, it becomes an overwhelming sense of despair or anxiety. Psychologists call it climate anxiety. This week, we asked people about their emotional responses to climate change." (Related: Big Pharma is also waiting in the wings to start drugging people for climate anxiety with its latest "blockbuster" drugs.)

Climate anxiety is a condition that afflicts people with no actual real problems in life

Following Yang's segment opener, seven troubled individuals were rolled out to explain how they have reached the end of their mental tethers with all the hot weather going on this summer. Because the "news" is telling everyone that it is abnormal for the weather to be hot in summer – and since many Americans no longer have functioning brains and believe everything their screens tell them – there is now a pandemic of climate anxiety and associated mental illness spreading like a fiery inferno. "It's really important to acknowledge that if you're feeling that on any level of intensity, it really means you're paying attention, you care, you're empathetic to what's happening to our world," said someone named Leslie Davenport to PBS viewers who fall into such a category. Davenport would then go on to describe how mentally deranged climate tweakers should approach overcoming their climate anxiety and the "empathy" that apparently accompanies it. "Talk about it," Davenport told viewers. "Talk about it to other people who are like-minded, receptive. 'I feel that way, too,' so that it's not as isolating." "There are a lot of what are called climate cafes, or climate circles, that can be found by an easy online search where people just get together often online, remotely, and just say what they're feeling, what they're experiencing, what people have found helpful." Davenport then revealed that there is even a "climate-aware therapist directory" that climate-anxious people can turn to in order to find solace in their mental derangement. Anyone who suffers from actual real-life problems probably has no clue that climate anxiety even exists because it is an affliction that affects only people with way too much time and privilege on their hands to worry about made-up fairy tale concepts like man-made climate change. "I'm getting PTSD from being blamed for the weather," one commenter joked about how the climate anxious are spreading the negative impacts of their mental illnesses onto others. "Especially now that I'm being told I'm responsible for creating the Sahara Desert!" "Yep. I created the Sahara Desert by 'boiling' the world with my air conditioner." Another expressed disgust that tax dollars are also being spent on all this nonsensical hogwash, which gets spewed day in and day out by the government, the media, academia, and all the rest. Climate anxiety is a globalist-driven mental illness. Learn more at Climate.news. Sources for this article include: Summit.news Newstarget.com