Walker Art Center in Minneapolis receives backlash after holding "family-friendly ceremony to summon and befriend" DEMONS in real-time
By ethanh // 2023-08-20
In Minneapolis this week, a pagan ritual was held at the Walker Art Center (WAC), which encouraged families and young children to attend the "ceremony to summon and befriend" a demon of their choosing. Complete with a demonic performance called "Lilit the Empathic Demon," the ceremony, which has received millions of dollars in taxpayer funding through Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund (ACHF), was described as a "playful demon summoning sessions" for families. According to the event description provided on the WAC's website, the purpose of the event was to groom the general public into not being scared of demons. "Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we're just not very good at getting to know them," it reads. At the event, an "artist" named Tamar Ettun was featured to show off how to create "demon traps." "Families are invited to create a vessel to trap the demon that knows them best – perhaps the 'demon of overthinking' – and then participate in a playful ceremony to summon and befriend their demon," the event description further reads. "Do you have a demon that creeps into your thought?" it further asks, suggesting as one example "the demon of not trusting your gut." With Ettun's help, attendees were taught how to create a holding vessel for these demons. "After designing your trap, Lilit the Empathic Demon will come from the dark side of the moon to lead you in locating your feelings using ancient Babylonian techniques," the WAC further revealed about how it all works. "This collective and playful demon summoning session will conclude with a somatic movement meditation, designed to help you befriend your shadows." (Related: Did you know that artificial intelligence [AI] is being demonized as part of a sinister plot to blend synthetic biotechnology into human biological systems?)

Minnesota's ACHF also sends money to various other left-wing projects

As usual, this appears to be just another left-wing grooming event to usher children into the world of satanism, much like the many other left-wing causes that are routinely funded by Minnesota's ACHF. One observer on X (formerly known as Twitter) noted that the very same people pushing transgender mutilation on children are also involved in trying to teach them how to summon demons and meddle with the occult. "Child-grooming pedophiles co-sponsor these events," this person wrote. Another effort being pushed by these same kinds of perverts involves after-school Satan Clubs, which are described as "a place where children can be themselves" and "learn and develop free from indoctrination." America's demise seems to have entered the fast track as of late with these kinds of things being increasingly normalized. What was once taboo or kept at the fringe is now being sponsored and promoted in broad daylight, showing just how far the country has fallen into the hands of wickedness. One person asked, making an excellent point about how these types of things are always slated towards evil rather than good: "Why do they never, ever have a 'family friendly meeting through Jesus?' Or how about, 'come summon an angel of God into your life?' No. It's always evil." Another wrote that there is probably no way the WAC would ever sponsor any kind of event with a Christian theme because that kind of religion is never to be publicly sponsored. Satanism, meanwhile, always gets a free pass – and on the taxpayers' dime. "This city will burn and collapse on its own evil," someone else wrote. "It's already started." The latest news about the downfall of America at the hands of satanists can be found at Demonic.news. Sources for this article include: Summit.news NaturalNews.com