Ugly truth about Maui fires now emerging: government deprived Lahaina of water and emergency resources, resulting in TOTAL LOSS
By ethanh // 2023-08-21
As if things were not already bad enough in Maui, we have now learned that Hawaiian law enforcement is stopping locals from donating supplies to the victims of this horrific disaster. The following video clip shows a police officer in Hawaii yelling through a loudspeaker from his police vehicle that a makeshift, citizen-led donation event was set up on what appears to be public property to help those in need following the fires: Matt Wallace, the account that posted this disturbing video, is of the persuasion that the reason why Hawaii officials deprived Lahaina of much-needed water to put out the fires, and why Hawaii officials are now ordering good Samaritans not to help those in need, is a sign that "they" want all the poor people to be removed from Maui. "Maui is a small series of islands with a population of only about 165,000 people," Wallace writes. "Of those individuals, most of them are very wealthy, and a lot of them are celebrities." "THEY DO NOT WANT ANY 'POOR PEOPLE' OR LOCALS LIVING THERE ANYMORE IT'S OBVIOUS THEY ARE TRYING TO DRIVE THEM OUT WITH CRAZY INSURANCE RATES, POOR TREATMENT, AND TARGETED DISASTERS! The Woke-Elite Class Has No Souls ... They Are Shameless Demons." (Related: Check out these nine questions that people are asking about the Maui fires that deserve honest answers because the whole thing does not add up as being just a natural and tragic occurrence.)

Consensus is growing that the Maui fires were INTENTIONAL to facilitate a government "land grab"

The excuse given by Twitter's (now "X") "Readers added context" section below the tweet containing the above video about why the police officer ordered the do-gooders to leave the limited access area is supposedly because "unqualified" individuals were trying to obtain placards to enter. Whether this is actually true or not is unknown, but it is obvious that government officials in Hawaii are not all that interested in helping the surviving victims of the disaster, which appear to be completely on their own. A growing number of people believe that the reason for all these anomalies is that these fires were intentional and aimed at driving out the poor in order to facilitate a massive, government-led land grab in one of the most desirable tropical destinations in the world. We also now know that Hawaiian Electric, Hawaii's largest power supplier, failed to invest in addressing the fire risk around its power lines, instead choosing to invest in "renewable" energy sources that the powers that be claim will stop global warming and climate change. "Hawaiian Electric had plans to spend nearly $200 million on wildfire mitigation measures but only spent a fraction of that amount, as the company focused more on complying with state renewable energy mandates," Ground News reported. John Podesta, fake president Joe Biden's advisor on clean energy, has since come forward to blame climate change for the devastation, rather than the government's "green" energy policies that allowed it to happen in the first place. "The Maui tragedy serves as yet another stark reminder of the devastating and deadly consequences of left-wing policies and agendas that threaten people, the environment, and even the planet," warns Revolver. "And after their dangerous policies epically fail, the left shamelessly lies to cover it up so they can fundraise more money to bankroll future failed policies." The latest news about the Maui fires can be found at Sources for this article include: