BOP denies exclusive report that J6 prisoner was held in horrific conditions for 2.5 years
By bellecarter // 2023-08-23
Last week, alternative news outlet the Gateway Pundit released exclusive photos showing the inhumane conditions of Jan. 6 prisoner Ryan Samsel in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Philadelphia. The "political" convict has been in jail without a trial since January 2021 and has been moved to 17 different facilities. The pictures showed that his cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time, but there was no window. He has a thin blue mattress to lie down on but with no sheets or blankets. He has no clothing and he claimed it was cold in his detention cell. Samsel told the news outlet: "I was kept in a hard cell for about five, six months… The judge was actually calling, trying to get in contact with me because I wasn't in a named cell. They were missing me and they were saying I wasn't showing up to court or showing up to medical. But they were pretty much keeping me in there." Samsel added that he also experienced the same horrific conditions when he was in Central Regional Virginia Jail (CVRJ) in Virginia. "I was kept in and they called it booking hard cell, which is you get zero phones, zero commissaries, zero clothing because they think that you're going to hang yourself and you're on constant surveillance," he recalled. "The light has to be on 24/7. You're locked in a cell. There is no getting out. The windows in Virginia were covered by a black mat, so you weren't able to see. And it's constant nothing. It's deprivation of everything." Worse, he has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest. The J6 prisoner believes that they did this cruel treatment for months so he would testify against the Proud Boys, a far-right organization that has been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Meanwhile, a public affairs official at the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) allegedly said that the photos "do not depict a cell at FDC Philadelphia." The statement was reported by the website Snopes, which claimed to have checked with the agency in the name of fact-checking. Samsel was part of a group that knocked down barriers, allegedly causing a capitol police officer to fall, hit her head, and lose consciousness during the January 6 protest. He was accused by an officer to have said, "We don't have to hurt you, why are you in our way?" As per reports, Samsel then picked up the semi-conscious officer, who was quickly collected by the Capitol Police. He was also said to have tried to take a riot shield from a uniformed officer.  There is no detail if he ever entered the Capitol after these incidents. (Related: Never-aired Fox interview of Tucker Carlson with ex-Capitol police chief reveals government pre-meditated the J6 Capitol insurrection.) He was charged with "Civil Disorder" for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers using a dangerous weapon, inflicting bodily injury, and aiding and abetting; entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted area with a dangerous weapon; and engaging in physical violence in a restricted area with a dangerous weapon, resulting in significant bodily injury. He was arrested on Jan 30, 2021, in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, indicted on August 25 of the same year, and entered a plea of not guilty to all counts in September and November 2021. At an arraignment on January 27, 2022, he entered another not-guilty plea on all counts. The pretrial conference is set on October 10 and the jury trial is on October 23 before Judge Jia M. Cobb.

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Meanwhile, Founder and Editor of the Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft expressed his disappointment that this kind of brutal and savage treatment of political prisoners such as Samsel is happening now in America. "Ryan is not alone. Numerous January 6 prisoners have been held for months in torturous conditions, dozens have been sentenced to extreme sentences for non-violent crimes. This is a horrible chapter in American history. It must be confronted," Hoft lamented and called on the action of the Republican Party, even organizations such as the nonprofit American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. Follow to read more stories like this.

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