Shocking photos reveal J6 prisoner's BRUTAL living conditions
By zoeysky // 2023-08-31
The released photos of a man allegedly subjected to cruel solitary confinement after being arrested for participating in the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, have generated both outrage and skepticism on social media. The photos show a cell in Philadelphia's Federal Detention Center (FDC) where January 6 (J6) prisoner Ryan Samsel is being held. The photos were released on Aug. 17. Samsel has been in custody since he was arrested after the J6 riot in 2021. He was kept in a "hard booking cell" for five to six months, and he wasn't allowed to leave even for medical appointments. According to Samsel, his cell was cold, the light was kept on 24/7 and there were no windows. In the photos, Samsel was sitting in a small room no bigger than a closet. He was shirtless and without shoes as he sat on a thin blue mat. A water bottle and mop bucket on the floor were also visible in the photos. Samsel has been imprisoned without trial since January 2021. He has been moved around to 17 different facilities and has suffered from beatings, abuse, torture and neglect. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has denied the accuracy of the leaked photos, which resulted in outrage and skepticism online. Some social media users and conservative personalities shared the story and warned that the federal government is engaging in torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners. However, some claim that the photos appear to be staged because there is an electrical outlet in the wall. They also said Samsel appears to be clean, well-fed and without visible injuries. Others commented that he seemed to be wearing normal and civilian-style shorts. A public affairs official for the BOP said the photos don’t "depict a cell at FDC Philadelphia." In 2021, Samsel was arrested and charged with "forcibly assaulting, resisting, opposing, impeding, intimidating or interfering with a federal agent. Additionally, he was charged with committing or attempting to commit an act to obstruct law enforcement and obstruction of official proceedings for allegedly pushing over a barricade during the J6 disturbance at the Capitol. He is also charged with causing a female officer to fall, resulting in a concussion. Samsel was allegedly on parole in Pennsylvania at the time of his 2021 arrest. He also had an outstanding arrest warrant for assault in New Jersey.

Samsel isn't the only victim of inhumane treatment

Edward Jacob Lang, who has been charged with assault and other crimes for allegedly striking police officers' riot shields with a baseball bat, said he has been held in "deplorable and subhuman conditions” for pretrial detention," along with solitary confinement and being restricted from speaking to the press. (Related: Never-aired Fox interview of Tucker Carlson with ex-Capitol police chief reveals government pre-meditated the J6 Capitol insurrection.) Richard Barnett, who was infamously photographed sitting at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk, said he and other defendants were held in a facility with awful sanitary conditions and "full of black mold." According to Barnett, he both witnessed and experienced severe physical abuse at the hands of prison guards. After the J6 Capitol riot, many conservatives shared their valid concerns about the treatment and disproportionate, politically motivated punishment of people who have been arrested in connection with the incident. Visit for the truth about the J6 Capitol incident. Watch the video below as Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals that the FBI withheld intel before Jan. 6. This video is from the channel The New American on

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