RESISTANCE IS WORKING: Kaiser Permanente, Lionsgate film studio both drop mask mandate amid rising pushback
By ethanh // 2023-09-01
Not so fast, COVID tyrants: We the People have had enough of all your tyranny, including the mask mandates you are trying but failing to reimplement. The pushback taking place against the globalist effort to reimplement a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" 2.0 has reportedly prompted Kaiser Permanente in Santa Rosa, Calif., to rescind a recently implemented policy requiring face masks inside its hospital. Hollywood studio Lionsgate, which attempted the same thing, has also reversed course and will no longer force its employees to mask up at all times inside the building. Kaiser will still force its employees to mask up, officials from the hospital system confirmed to the media. For everyone else, Kaiser is "strongly encouraging" them to wear masks at all times in both the hospital and medical offices. "Our intent was to communicate that as of Tuesday, we have expanded the masking requirement for our employees and physicians to medical offices and clinic settings; we apologize for any confusion among Press Democrat readers," Kaiser said in a statement. "We have not changed our masking requirements in the hospital, which have been in effect since April: employees and physicians are required to wear masks and we ask visitors to wear masks when in the hospital."

Don't fall for it again: COVID is OVER and DONE

Kaiser is not exactly telling the truth in this statement, though. The health care provider just days before issuing it had indicated that mask mandates would be reinstated for all patients, doctors, and visitors. Many local residents of Northern California – which leans left, by the way – expressed outrage over the proposed reinstatement of universal mask mandates at Kaiser that the health care provider clearly changed course while pretending this was the plan all along. "I think it's more political than anything," commented Craig Roberts who lives in the area about face masks. "I just think they're trying to do what they did in 2020." What Roberts means by this, of course, is that Democrats are once again trying to mask everyone and force stay-at-home mail-in voting in 2024 so they can once again steal the election for Biden or whomever they potentially have waiting in the wings to replace him. Hilariously, Lionsgate had a different excuse for reversing its mask mandate. "The LA County Department of Public Health notified us yesterday that we could lift the mask requirements, effective immediately, and we have," the film studio said in a statement. The thing is, there is not a mask mandate in place in Los Angeles County. Lionsgate acknowledged this as well, but claimed that it was ordered to temporarily reinstate its mask mandate "after we reported a cluster of COVID cases to them and we have an obligation to comply with their orders." According to Dr. Shira Doron, the chief infection control officer at Tufts Medicine, there are currently fewer people being hospitalized for COVID than at any other time since the "pandemic" first began in early 2020. "An upswing is not a surge; it's not even a wave," Doron is quoted as saying. "What we're seeing is a very gradual and small upward trajectory of cases and hospitalizations, without deaths really going along, which is great news." The disturbing part about Doron taking this angle, though, is that if enough people do start getting sick and dying in the coming days, things could change quickly. Once the "vaccines" run their course in everyone who took them, widespread immune failure could ensue, resulting in a major public health crisis that will be used to justify a reimposition of mask and likely other mandates. The latest news about COVID 2.0 can be found at Sources for this article include: