YouTube influencer who attempted ill-considered Ferrari stunt in dry corn field loses luxury car to SELF-INDUCED FIRE
By ethanh // 2023-09-03
You know we have reached the final stages of capitalism and all of its Roman Empire-esque excess and debauchery before the inevitable collapse when YouTube personalities can trash a $400,000 luxury car in a farm field for clicks. Well, that was not what Whistlin Diesel actually wanted to do when his nearly half-a-million-dollar Ferrari caught fire in a Waco, Tex., farm field in the middle of a record-breaking, 116-degree summer day. According to reports, Diesel was racing the luxury vehicle through a harvested corn field when the remaining dried-out corn husks all over the field got stuck in the car's wheels, creating friction and sparks that eventually fueled a massive fiery inferno. Both the Ferrari and a van that was rented to film the car racing through the field went up in flames – as was a large section of the corn field, which was burnt to a crisp. Thankfully for Diesel and his friends, the local fire department showed up almost immediately to put out the fire before anyone was hurt or possibly even killed – you can watch the bizarre video below: (Related: Disney recently teamed up with a transgender social media influencer to sell LGBT clothing to little girls.)

People are starving and YouTube clowns are burning money

Though the incident was clearly accidental, it just goes to show that lunacy that occurs when opulent societies marked by excess and buffoonery reach their end. It happened to Rome, and it is happening once again the United States. On the other hand, entertainment is entertainment, and people love it. Who are we to judge, right? It sure is sad, though, to think about all the struggling, and in some cases starving, Americans right now who are unable to put food on the table due to crippling inflation and an economy that is teetering on the brink. The burning of this Ferrari, which also ignited a nearly-new rental minivan with just 5,000 miles on it, is not in very good taste considering the recent disaster in Lahaina, Hawaii, or the ongoing wildfires in British Columbia, Canada. "With the Hawaiian fires in the news, you would think that these young men would be more careful driving a hot car through a dry cornfield on a scorching summer's day," is how one media report put it. "But it does not seem as if this YouTuber or his crew took much of the risks into account, and now they are paying the price for it ... Let this serve as a warning – think before you try to pull a stunt like this." In the comments, someone noted about the rental car that he hopes the YouTube influencer and his friends who burned it along with the Ferrari have to pay for it. "There is no cure for stupid," another added. "Entitled clowns," wrote another about the ridiculousness of this little stunt, which brought with it massive consequences. Not an ounce of concern about starting a fire that could easily have spread, not an ounce of concern for damaging the farmer's field and loading it with dangerous toxins that can't be easily removed from the soil. That wasn't a healthy burn, that soil is damaged for decades if not longer. This is a very good point considering Texas and other Midwestern and southern states have been suffering through a crippling heat wave as of late that, because of the added dryness and drought conditions it creates, seriously elevates the risk of a massive wildfire occurring. Having previously burned a car, why didn't these loons at least have a fire extinguisher? More related news about late-stage capitalism and the excesses that will bring it all down can be found at Sources for this article include: