CNN says it's "anti-gay" to prosecute men having sex with 12-year-olds
By newseditors // 2023-09-06
CNN is now calling it “anti-gay” if you prosecute somebody who has sex with a child or a disabled person. That’s what’s currently unfolding in Uganda, where two men are currently being charged with unlawful sex with child and a disabled person — crimes that could result in the death penalty. (Article republished from CNN, instead of expressing immediate outrage over these crimes, turned their article into a “victim’s advocate” piece, forgetting that the real victim here is the child. Instead of showing immediate outrage over these crimes, CNN twisted their article into a “victim’s advocate” piece, completely overlooking the fact that the real victim here is the child and quite possibly a disabled adult. CNN:
The act, signed into law in May, also outlaws gay marriage in Uganda and it punishes same-sex acts with life imprisonment. It has been decades since Uganda last carried out an execution, but its longtime President Yoweri Museveni had threatened in 2018 to resume state assent for capital punishment. Attorney Justine Balya, who is representing the 20-year-old man, told CNN that the penalties associated with the law were entirely out of proportion. “Of course the fact that the law is being enforced in this way is entirely unconstitutional because it seeks to criminalize what is often consensual conduct between adults,” she said.
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