Donald Trump Jr. says his father is a THREAT to Deep State, Uniparty and Democrats
By kevinhughes // 2023-09-06
Donald Trump Jr. says his father, former President Donald Trump, is a threat to the Deep State, Uniparty and Democrats. The eldest son of Donald Sr. and Ivanka Trump made this remark during an appearance on "Eric Bolling the Balance" on Newsmax. According to Bolling, the former president's court dates coincided with many of the Republican Party's election events. Donald Jr. remarked that this was no coincidence and was designed, just like how his father's indictment followed legal actions against the Biden crime family. "He is the threat to the Deep State. He is the threat to the Uniparty and to the Democrats," said the former president's son. "They are doing everything possible to prevent him from being the nominee because they understand that he is the threat to their power. All of the national polling shows that Donald Trump is the only guy actually beating Joe Biden." "People know Trump [Sr.] is the only way to stop this insanity from happening. And guess what folks? The Democrats know it too which is why they are trying to do it." (Related: Donald Trump Jr. on father’s indictment: ‘We’re living in 3rd world Banana Republic.’)

Mug shot designed to embarrass and hurt former president had opposite effect

The younger Trump also put in his two cents on his father's mug shot taken at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia. It was designed to embarrass and hurt the former president, but had the opposite effect. "It was meant to be a nail in the coffin so to speak of the campaign, but it had exactly the opposite effect because people have become accustomed to this lunacy," Donald Jr. told Bolling. "They see through it all. They are so much smarter than the people in Washington D.C. They get it, they see it and they are supporting Trump even more than they ever have because they too do not want to risk losing their country and they realize that's exactly what's on the table right now." He cited how the Black community rallied behind the former president following the publication of his mug shot. The younger Trump recounted that during the Las Vegas stop of the ReAwaken America Tour where he spoke, Black security guards came up to tell him that they knew what was happening and they won't be voting for the "other guy" – pertaining to Biden. Donald Jr. pointed out that the American people will one day realize that the Democrats have literally done nothing to help the Black community. Furthermore, they may have done irreparable damage instead. For his part, the former president's son has already capitalized on his father's arrest by selling merchandise with the mug shot. Donald Jr. added a section on his personal website selling T-shirts, mugs and posters that feature the photograph taken at Fulton County Jail. Proceeds of the sale will aid the former president's legal defense fund. The younger Trump later shared his father's mug shot on social media as a warning to the Deep State that the elder Trump will return. "Hey Deep State, he's coming for you. See you on Jan. 20, 2025," Donald Jr. wrote. Follow for more news about former President Donald J. Trump. Watch the full interview between Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Bolling of Newsmax below. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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