The Dr. Ardis Show: Venoms in COVID-19 vaccines are being WEAPONIZED – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-09-07
The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are a clear example of snake venoms being weaponized, according to Dr. Bryan Ardis. He expounded on this assertion during the Aug. 30 episode of "The Dr. Ardis Show" on Brighteon.TV, referencing the "COVID-19: Weaponizing of Venoms" presentation he gave at the recent Red Pill Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. The presentation showed more evidence of how venoms inside the COVID-19 injections are used to inflict terrible injuries on people. Ardis cited 21 post-COVID symptoms in his presentation, including chronic fatigue, dizziness, loss of taste and smell, memory lapses, and muscle pain and weakness. Between 35 percent and 87 percent of people worldwide infected with COVID-19 struggle from the 21 symptoms, with an "unpredictable" duration. After six months, subjects suffering from long-haul COVID reported 14 persistent symptoms. He also recalled the condition called vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS), which the late Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko talked about. According to Ardis, the HIV-1 spike protein derived from snake venom causes immune deficiency in the same way the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes AIDS.

Krait, king cobra likely origins of SARS-CoV-2 pathogen

The Brighteon.TV host cited a January 2020 study by Chinese researchers published in the Journal of Medical Virology. The study noted that the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen has the "most similar codon usage bias with snakes." Given this, the most likely origins of COVID-19 are the Chinese krait (Bungarus multicinctus) and the king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah). An article from SciTech Daily published in the same month also referenced the study, pointing out that the study authors uncovered evidence that the 2019-nCoV likely resided in snakes before being transmitted to humans. "Recombination within the viral receptor-binding protein may have allowed for cross-species transmission from snake to humans," the article noted. The study also found that the SARS CoV-2 spike protein was identical to king cobra venom, bungarotoxin from the Chinese krait and the rabies virus. Ardis mentioned that French researchers later isolated the spike protein gene from the pathogen, publishing their findings in April 2020. (Related: Dr. Bryan Ardis: Engineered COVID virus contains DOZENS of synthetic animal venoms.) Ardis has proposed nicotine and its agents as possible therapies for COVID-19 because the venom-derived spike proteins were targeting nicotine receptors. The April 2020 study, he added, "explains why smokers are not ending up in hospitals with COVID because nicotine is already in their body, and it binds to these receptors that the venoms target called spike proteins of COVID." "But nicotine has a 30 times higher binding ability than venoms. Therefore, in the presence of nicotine, the body will always grab on the nicotine and venom can't bind to those nicotine receptors. If venom is already bound to them and you introduce nicotine, nicotine releases the venom and the nicotine is then replaced at the attachment of the cell. Ivermectin does the same thing, just not as strong as nicotine does." To back up his claim, Ardis cited a study proving that COVID-19 spike proteins actually target nicotine receptors similar to snake venoms. The May 2023 study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry discussed the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein containing a neurotoxin-like region that has sequence similarities to the rabies virus, HIV spike protein and snake neurotoxins. This area interacts with nicotine receptors along a region of the spike protein. Follow for more news about venoms found in the COVID-19 vaccines. Watch the Aug. 30 episode of "The Dr. Ardis Show" below. Tune in to "The Dr. Ardis Show" every Wednesday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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