Government PERSECUTION of Golden Valley Farms food co-op proves once again that FDA, USDA should both be ABOLISHED
By ethanh // 2023-09-08
Clean food producers who operate independently of government regulators continue to face the ire of said regulators, which refuse to tolerate community-based nourishment programs such as food cooperatives and cow share programs. One of the latest victims is Golden Valley Farms, a Virginia-based family farm run by Samuel Fisher, who is Amish. As we recently reported, Fisher's 100-acre cattle farm is in the crosshairs of the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C., which disapproves of people buying Fisher's meat and dairy products. Fisher and his family raise and slaughter their own animals right on their Virginia farm. They do not use any U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-inspected slaughterhouses, nor do they abide by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) prejudice against raw milk and dairy products. Golden Valley Farms operates a private food club that allows members to purchase a stake in a cow, for example. That member is then allowed to partake of the cow's meat and dairy offerings without the need for any government approval or other red tape – and it is completely legal. Despite that legality, Golden Valley Farms was raided. Government goons "went through everything," Fisher says, "the house, every building and the barn. They just raided through everything." "We can't touch it," Fisher added about all the food that is either still sitting on his farm rotting away or taken to the local landfill. "We can't sell it. We can't feed our family. We can't give it away, can't feed it to the dogs. We can't do anything with it. They just took it to the dump."

The Washington, D.C., bureaucratic machine has long overstayed its welcome – shut it all down!

The Liberty Daily's J.D. Rucker is so upset about the situation at Golden Valley Farms that he is now calling for the complete dissolution of both the FDA and the USDA. "This isn't just a taste of food tyranny," Rucker writes. "This should be the lead story for evidence that the FDA, USDA, and all federal government agencies involved in food tyranny must be dissolved completely. They're not here to protect us. They're only here to protect the globalist agenda." In many ways, the FDA and the USDA have become terrorist organizations that oppress and tyrannize free Americans for things like growing their own food; rejecting pharmaceuticals and vaccines; and exercising their constitutional rights to free speech and to bear arms. "Like the IRS and FBI, both the FDA and USDA should be revamped or scrapped altogether," Rucker adds. "The only reason I even offer revamping as a possibility is because there are far too many Americans who flinch when they hear people like me calling to disband entire government agencies. Therefore, a top-down overhaul is weak but may be the only viable option." Apart from a miracle, there is little chance that anything changes for the better in this regard. Americans seem to have become too complacent and apathetic – or perhaps too worn down and exhausted from the endless barrage of assault on our liberties. "Similar to the Rawesome raid, these farmers were doing what's called a cow share, where people in the community all pay up front and invest in a cow for milk or meat," Rucker explains. "This has been done by numerous farms all across the country as a means to avoid using meat processors and big business just to get clean, properly raised, healthy food, without all the extra fees and government b******t attached." "The FDA and USDA both need to be completely dissolved. They don't protect public health. They destroy it." When the government gets too big, it expects everyone to just obey – no questions asked. Learn more at Sources for this article include: