As long as Biden keeps the southern border open, Texas will continue sending "even more buses" full of illegals to New York City, Gov. Abbott promises
By ethanh // 2023-09-12
If the Biden regime continues to leave the southern border wide open, flooding Texas with endless "migrants," then Gov. Greg Abbott is planning to send them all to Washington, D.C., and other northern "blue" areas until it stops. Abbott promised to send "even more buses" full of illegal aliens to D.C., New York City, and other left-wing urban enclaves until Biden stops the bleeding by doing the right thing. "Biden considers forcing migrant families to remain in Texas," Abbott tweeted. "This scam was tried years ago & was shot down by a judge. We will send Biden the same swift justice. And, we will add even more buses of migrants to Washington D.C." (Related: Ever since Title 42 came to an end, mass illegal immigration has soared.)

Wealthy liberals don't want pesky illegals in their neighborhoods – "keep them in Texas"

Abbott's tweet storm came in response to a report from the Los Angeles Times describing a potential Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy to force some of the illegal immigrant families to stay in Texas and be tracked with GPS monitoring devices, including ankle bracelets. According to that report, the migrant families would first be put through an asylum process to determine whether or not they are allowed to stay inside the United States. If not, keeping them in Texas rather than in New York City or D.C. makes more sense because of the close proximity of Texas to Mexico. This is the argument being put forth by the left, anyway, which is not used to having to deal with illegals themselves. Traditionally, "blue" areas, and especially those with wealth, have never had to deal with pesky things like illegal aliens, rampant crime, and the other inconveniences brought about by D.C. politics. Up until now, illegal aliens have been kept close to the border and far, far away from the posh neighborhoods filled with yard signs that say things like "we welcome our immigrant neighbors." Such neighborhoods are typically pasty white and garishly wealthy, meaning they are no place for all those pesky illegals. Instead, liberals want all their illegals to remain in Texas, but Abbott is not in agreement that this is the best course of action. "The program would be an expansion of the Family Expedited Removal Program, which imposes curfews and monitors family units that have traveled to large cities," one report explains about the proposal. A DHS spokesperson stated that Biden and his regime are "committed to expanding safe and orderly pathways for migrants to lawfully enter the United States while imposing consequences to those who fail to use those pathways." "Since May 2023, DHS has removed or returned over 200,000 individuals, including over 17,000 individual family unit members. DHS continuously holds policy and operational discussions on how to leverage our authorities to ensure a fair, humane, and effective immigration process that efficiently removes those without a lawful basis to stay in the country." Meanwhile, governors and mayors in places like Massachusetts, Chicago and New York City are pitching a fit over the flood of illegals being bussed by Abbott into their jurisdictions. According to Abbott, he has already bussed some 35,000 migrants to "sanctuary" cities and states, including more than 13,300 to New York City since August 2022. One of the most outspoken haters of all these illegals is New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who continues to complain that all these illegals threaten to "destroy New York City." "Let me tell you something, New Yorkers," Adams whined publicly. "Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don't see an ending to this. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City." The latest news about the state-sanctioned invasion and great replacement of America can be found at Sources for this article include: