The post continued, “Gates dumped his stocks, in November 2021 at an average sale price of $300 per share… Gates on the same day said, ‘We need a new way of doing the vaccines, because the vaccines *didn’t stop transmission*’ despite all of his previous claims to the contrary. It’s almost like Gates knew Covid-19 was going to be released, and he also knew the vaccines were never designed to stop transmission.” The post is accurate, as noted by Jordan Schachtel in January when he reported on SEC filings showing, “the Gates Foundation’s holdings in BioNTech went from 1,038,674 shares to 148,674 shares over the course of the third quarter of 2021, downsizing the Gates position in the mRNA vaccine manufacturer by 86 percent of shares held.” “As you can see below, Gates just so happened to time the market perfectly, selling the shares during BioNtech’s best performing quarter,” he noted in the article along with a graphic. In July 2022, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote a thorough article explaining how Pfizer conveniently profited from the Covid pandemic. Even NBC admitted back in January that the Covid pandemic drove Pfizer’s 2022 revenue to a record $100 billion. Watch the video below where Alex Jones shares a video of the moment Bill Gates finally admitted the clot shots don’t work. Read more at: InfoWars.comBill Gates purchased shares in BioNTech (Pfizer’s partner for its mRNA Covid shots) in September 2019… just months before the pandemic was announced…
Gates purchased 1,038,674 shares at pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share… Gates dumped his stocks, in November 2021… — Pelham (@Resist_05) September 14, 2023
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