John Kerry admits NUCLEAR ENERGY is necessary but continues to push for wind and solar instead
By kevinhughes // 2023-10-04
U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry believes that wind and solar energy alone will not be sufficient to meet worldwide energy requirements, leading him to admit that nuclear energy is necessary. He made this admission during a speech delivered at a Sept. 18 meeting of the Atlantic Council. "You will have to have some component of nuclear [energy] – yet to be determined how big or where it'll go," said Kerry. "That's going to be a market-based reaction. Most scientists will tell you [that net zero by 2050 is impossible] unless we have a pot, a mixture of energy approaches. Clearly, we're going to need nuclear [energy] to be a part of that." (Related: There is no climate emergency: Around 1,500 scientists and professionals oppose net-zero CO2 policy.) During the same Sept. 18 speech, he lauded a demonstration against fossil fuels held in the streets of New York City on the same day. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a colleague of Kerry in the Democratic Party, was among the participants. Despite this, he pointed out that a former generation of environmental activists had fought against nuclear power. But now, it is viewed as a practical solution by several climate alarmists. Kerry, the former Secretary of State during the Obama administration, recounted an instance close to home. "In my state of Massachusetts, where there was a huge fight over Seabrook Nuclear Plant in New Hampshire," he said. "Now, [we] happily get about 20 percent of all our energy from Seabrook, and nobody's complaining. Maybe about the prices a little bit, because that's normal in today's world."

Kerry: U.S. now committed to accelerate nuclear energy

The former senator for the Bay State continued: "The U.S. is now therefore committed, based on experience and based on reality, to trying to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy, as part of the Biden [administration's energy] program." He also lauded the nuclear reactor company TerraPower, chaired by technocrat and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, during the same speech. The Bellevue, Washington-based TerraPower plans to construct the next-generation Natrium nuclear reactor in Wyoming. Kerry also cited a trip to Romania, highlighting his visit to a control room simulator for a small modular reactor made by the American company NuScale. But Kerry opposed the continued construction of coal-fired power plants and the presence of subsidies for fossil fuels. According to a study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), $1.3 trillion was earmarked for "explicit" subsidies for fossil fuels in 2022. This amount was a mere $500 billion in 2020. The authors of the IMF study credited a considerable proportion of the buildup to "temporary price support measures," in accordance with soaring fossil fuel prices during that time. Despite this criticism, it cannot be denied that fossil fuels still get these subsidies due to their reliable nature. Compared to wind or solar energy that won't generate power in the absence of sun and wind, fossil fuels will continue to generate energy no matter the weather. Kerry also parroted talking points related to climate alarmism during his speech, claiming that severe weather events are only going to rise as the world falters on its climate targets. In reality, these severe weather occurrences are but part of a natural cycle. Climate alarmists utilized these weather events to push their brand of green tyranny. Follow for more news about nuclear energy. Watch John Kerry discuss climate change before lawmakers during a congressional hearing. This video is from the Thrivetime Show channel on

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