Steve Quayle warns of ORCHESTRATED nuclear events that will destabilize America
By kevinhughes // 2023-12-04
Author and researcher Steve Quayle has warned of orchestrated nuclear events in various U.S. cities, which are part of a bigger plan to destabilize the country. "The information is that there's going to be orchestrated nuclear events in cities in the U.S. that are going to destabilize us. There are 27 cities … that are going to be set up for false flags, [and those] will be blamed on Hamas or Hezbollah," he told the Health Ranger Mike Adams during a recent appearance on the "Health Ranger Report." He answered in the affirmative when Adams asked whether or not this would be a coordinated, mass domestic terrorist attacks. He continued that the responsible parties know nobody could stop them. "I'm speaking specifically about a self-generated false flag series of events in the U.S. that will be simultaneously coordinated and will maximize the amount of destabilization," Quayle said. According to Quayle, the attacks would be committed using low-yield neutron bombs that can be concealed – with paraffin wax in this case. He pointed out that these neutron bombs can be purchased on the nuclear weapons black market established by the late Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. Incidentally, Khan was the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program. One potential suspect for these attacks would be Iran, which has been working on a nuclear bomb for two decades already. Iranian scientists also received training in nuclear physics in the U.S., even before Mohammed Reza Pahlavi – the last Shah – was overthrown from power in 1979. Moreover, Quayle highlighted the ease of acquiring certain nuclear components such as fissionable material, tritium gas and a trigger from third parties.

3-Letter American agency will orchestrate domestic terror attacks

According to Quayle, a three-letter U.S. government agency will orchestrate the attacks – a theory Adams agreed with. The Health Ranger commented that previous guests he had interviewed talked about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) going around to recruit radicalized Muslims in America for such attacks. The only difference, however is that the attacks would be allowed to go live this time. (Related: FBI warns: Hamas or other terrorist groups could attack United States.) Adams then asked his guest if former U.S. President Barack Obama was involved in this false-flag scheme. The 44th president has always wanted to take down America from within. Quayle responded in the affirmative, recounting former White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett flying to Iran along with tens of billions of dollars. History appears to repeat itself once more, with incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden set to release another $10 billion – possibly meant for Tehran. He urged Americans to remember Obama's classic statement about what he was going to do for the world of Islam and America – bringing change. Given this, Quayle disclosed that he was even asking some people if they like the change that has happened to America now. Follow for more stories about the impending terrorist attacks to be carried out in America. Watch the full conversation between Steve Quayle and the Health Ranger Mike Adams below. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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