Don't just boycott Disney...... join the movement to shut it forever - forever!!!
By newseditors // 2023-12-08

SOTN Editor’s Note: It ought to be obvious by now that the pedovores have always flocked to any sport or school setting or organization or collective or entity wherever children congregate in great numbers.

(Article republished from

Which means that Florida’s Disney World and California’s Disneyland are prime pedo-magnets for pedophilia operations to flourish … as they have for several decades there.  One of them captures all the children east of the Mississippi whereas the latter one grabs them from the west.

What’s extremely sad about this society-wrecking scourge is that no other institution so brazenly and aggressively sexualizes children and grooms teenagers for the LGBTQIA+ agenda like Disney does.  After all, they do have a captive audience, so to speak, especially given all the ‘made-for-children’ movies and TV programming that Disney controls worldwide.

However, it is this little known fact about the planet’s top pedovores that is really driving the entire international crime syndicate.  For it’s actually “Women Operatives In Very High Places” who are the real movers and shakers behind the biggest pedo-operations in the world. See: Covert Anglo-American Network of “Crown Agents’ Sisters” Revealed

State of the Nation December 6 , 2023

N.B. As unbelievable as it is, the following gift card was actually produced and made available by Disney to all prospective patrons.  Which is why the title of this post is:


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