British media ADMITS one in four people who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines experienced "unintended immune response"
By arseniotoledo // 2023-12-14
British mainstream media outlet the Telegraph has confirmed in a report that one in four people experienced an "unintended immune response" from receiving the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The report was based on findings of a new study published in the highly regarded peer-reviewed British scientific journal Nature by a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge's Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit. (Related: DEPOP OP: One million COVID-vaccinated died in England over the past year compared to just 61,000 unvaccinated.) The technology behind the mRNA vaccines allows scientists to create proteins in the body, supposedly without the immune system attacking those synthesized materials but providing the immune system with a quick way to recognize certain viruses. This technology has been the backbone of the vaccine-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the ways the mRNA vaccines supposedly develop stronger immune systems is by tweaking a protein-coding gene known as uridine monophosphate synthase. But the Cambridge researchers have found that when this protein is tweaked and creates a partially synthetic code, the protein-making machine in the body can sometimes struggle with the created analogs. This can cause the immune process to stutter and a letter in the genetic code to get skipped. The process, known as frameshifting, throws out the way the code is interpreted as it relies on groups of three bases, known as codons, being read in the right order. In the case of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, it leads to the creation of new proteins that the body attacks, leading to the aforementioned "unintended immune response." The Cambridge team found that this adverse effect occurred in 25 to 30 percent of people who received the mRNA vaccines of Big Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna.

British media still trying to downplay impact of COVID-19 vaccines

The new study is just the latest in a series of studies proving the adverse and often deadly effects that come with taking the COVID-19 vaccines, especially those based on mRNA technology. Despite reporting on this, the Telegraph still does all it can to try to downplay the damage the vaccines can do and claim that the COVID-19 vaccines are generally harmless. Firstly, Joe Pinkstone, the Telegraph's science correspondent, claimed that despite the errors created in the body by the mRNA vaccines, "no adverse effects were created." "The vaccine is read well enough to create the strong protection against the coronavirus, the scientists say, but the frameshifting issue creates what was, until now, an unknown off-target effect," continued Pinkstone in his report. Pinkstone even coerced James Thaventhiran, the senior author of the report, into claiming that despite the study there is no evidence that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can end up creating "rogue proteins" that cause havoc in the body. They argue that any trials on mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and other mRNA-based therapeutics would have been able to detect these problems in the early stages. "Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe," claimed Thaventhiran. "Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide." Watch this video from Martin Brodel as he reports and comments on the Telegraph's bombshell report regarding how many people were affected by the COVID-19 vaccines. This video is from the Martin Brodel channel on

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