Sen. Joe Manchin considers running for president in 2024
By ramontomeydw // 2023-12-15
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), a lawmaker known for being a middle-grounder, is now considering running for U.S. president in the 2024 elections. He disclosed this idea on Dec. 13, during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity. The "Hannity" host asked the senator whether he would make a possible third-party run for the White House under the No Labels party. The party, which seeks alternatives to the current two-party system in America, described itself as a "national movement of people who believe in America and in bringing our leaders together to solve our toughest problems." Manchin responded that he would "absolutely" consider the idea of running for president, but stressed that he would only join the race if he was sure to win. The senator for West Virginia, who has represented the Mountain State for more than 13 years in the Senate, announced in November that he won't be seeking reelection as a lawmaker. He also disclosed to Hannity his plans to launch a two-month tour in January. The tour will involve Manchin taking to the streets and talking to Americans to "find out what they believe needs to be done," and whether there is a national desire for a third-party ticket. "They'll make the decision, not me or anybody else," said the senator. "But I want them to know that there's enough of us in the middle who want to take back our country, our values, who we are, how we became the country that we are in [and] how we're going to be able to leave a country that we're proud of to our children and grandchildren. Right now, we're not on that trajectory – we've got to change."

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Back in November, Manchin reiterated the possibility of him running as the chief executive during an appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." The remark came amid President Joe Biden's tanking approval ratings – now under 40 percent – as per opinion polls by RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight. (Related: Joe Biden's favorability rating the lowest of any U.S. president in 70 years.) However, some Democrats have expressed concern that Manchin running as an independent candidate could cut into Biden's already waning support and pave the way for former President Donald Trump to secure a second term. Currently, presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West are running as independents. Manchin further stressed that Americans need new leadership. He noted that people have been "pushed to the extremes" by the two major parties who have done a poor job at representing the nation. "People feel homeless right now; they've been pushed to the extremes. Both parties have gone to the extremes. The Democratic and Republican parties are being kind of controlled and driven by the extreme right and extreme left," he said. "That's not who we are as a country. It's not how we became a country. And it's not how we remain the superpower of the world, with the rest of the world following us." Manchin also took a shot at Biden's leadership, which he described as becoming increasingly more leftist. "The Democrats had been pulled so far to the left, and I think Biden has been pulled to the left," he remarked. "I know Biden; he never has governed that way. He wasn't a senator for 36 years on the extremes, and I'm hoping he comes back to the middle." The senator for West Virginia ultimately concluded that America needs to bring its current extreme leadership "back to the middle." "I think that every American, if you're in a position to help your country and you don't come forward when you think we're on the wrong trajectory, then you know, shame on you," he said. "I will do whatever I can to help my country, and right now." Visit for more stories like this. Watch this news report discussing the mainstream media's silence about West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin's potential presidential run. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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