Texas DPS spokesperson states the obvious: There are criminal networks operating in America that are involved in human smuggling
By kevinhughes // 2024-01-10
There are criminal networks operating in the U.S. that make big money from human smuggling. This is according to Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) spokesperson Lt. Chris Olivarez, who shared this revelation in an interview with hosts Dagen McDowell and Sean Duffy on the January 5 episode of "The Bottom Line with Dagen & Duffy" show on the Fox Business channel. "So that goes to show you that we not only have a mass illegal immigration situation, but also the fact that we have criminal networks that are operating here in the United States that are involved in human smuggling as well as the smuggling of children," Olivarez said. Olivarez pointed out taking taking down the concertina wire exemplifies the abject failure of the federal government and its leadership in securing the border. "These failed border policies continue to encourage massive illegal immigration. And if it wasn't for our efforts in Texas and for what Governor [Greg] Abbott has done trying to put barriers in place to prevent illegal immigration, we will continue to see a much larger flow of people coming across," Olivarez said. He also noted that the federal government is now trying to place a divide between the state agency and the Border Patrol by giving the latter orders to cut the concertina wire that has been placed by the state of Texas. But the Texas DPS spokesperson stressed they have a great relationship with Border Patrol and that they understand the situation. "The federal government has no understanding of what's taking place. They could fix this problem if they truly cared about these illegal immigrants that are coming across. They would put consequences in place, they would create a more humane process for these individuals who are coming across. And let's not forget because of these failed border policies, we have seen a record number of deaths because of illegal immigrants that have crossed the river or through a desert," Olivarez said. The spokesperson said seeing the wires being cut encourages more illegal immigrants to cross the border. Olivarez also lamented the fact that the federal government's current policies are holding back the Border Patrol.

McDowell: Human trafficking is a big business

McDowell mentioned human trafficking is a big business for the cartels. The House Judiciary GOP recently revealed that, according to Border Patrol estimates, the cartels are earning $32 million per week from trafficking migrants into the Del Rio, Texas sector alone. (Related: Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the U.S. is now a $13B a year business.) Olivarez commented that the actual number is probably much higher. He noted that all these illegals are paying a fee to these criminal organizations in Mexico to get across the U.S. border. The Texas DPS officer pointed out that the federal government's failed policies continue to enrich these organizations, which have now expanded their criminal network globally. Olivarez said human smuggling is now a global trade, and it is a multibillion-dollar business in Mexico and America. He added that even some U.S. citizens are involved in human smuggling. Follow Trafficking.news for more news about human smuggling at America's southern border. Watch the video below to learn more about the illegal immigration and human smuggling happening in America. This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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