GLOBALISM UNHINGED: Cops storm Poland's presidential palace to arrest conservative politicians
By newseditors // 2024-01-11
Police in Poland have stormed the nation’s presidential palace, still occupied by conservative Andrzej Duda. Cops took two ministers from the former Law and Justice (PiS) government to prison this week, despite the fact they had been awarded presidential pardons. (Article by Jack Montgomery republished from New globalist Prime Minister Donald Tusk, alongside the new Marshal (Speaker) of the Sejm (Legislature) Szymon Hołownia, have moved swiftly to persecute members of the former, right-wing government in moves similar to the Biden pursuit of Donald Trump. Hołownia referred former interior minister and deputy interior minister Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik to a chamber of the Supreme Court friendly to the new government, which ruled the pardons they previously received for “abuse of power” were invalid. The pair are accused of exceeding their powers in the 2000s, when Kamiński headed the Central Anticorruption Bureau. Their party, Law and Justice, are calling them “political prisoners” who are being punished for fighting corruption. Another chamber of the Supreme Court, importantly, has ruled their pardons were valid, while the Constitutional Tribunal has ruled the Supreme Court had no authority to review presidential pardoning powers in the first place. Nevertheless, law enforcement felt forced to cooperate with Tusk, and though Kamiński and Wąsik holed up in the presidential palace under President Duda’s protection, officers entered when the President left to attend a meeting and dragged the duo to jail. Kamiński is now believed to be on hunger strike. Poland is now in a full-blown constitutional crisis. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Małgorzata Manowska, appointed by Law and Justice, is accusing Hołownia and the Supreme Court judge who ruled against the ministers of “illegal actions” that “constitute a significant violation of the legal order”. So long as the European Union backs Tusk and the state authorities choose to enforce his agenda, Law and Justice and its supporters have little recourse beyond direct action, with protests already underway. Read more at: