Parents rally against Planned Parenthood and California school district for trying to infringe on their parental rights and pushing WOKE ideologies onto students
By lauraharris // 2024-01-19
A group of about 1,200 parents gathered in Fontana, California, to protest against Planned Parenthood and the Fontana Unified School District for allegedly engaging in secret gender transitions involving students. The "Leave Our Kids Alone" rally, organized by the pro-life group White Rose Resistance, seeks to raise awareness about the alleged collaboration to infringe on their parental rights and the promotion of "extremist political ideologies." (Related: Transgender activists are using the power of the state to enforce their perverse ideology.) According to a press release, whistleblowers have alleged that district staff members are referring to trans-identified students by their chosen names and genders rather than the legal ones without the knowledge or approval of their parents. The school records reportedly include a "given name" used when communicating with parents and a "requested name" that students are called when parents are absent. The organizers claim that the school system implements inappropriate and very explicit sex education curricula and trains teachers to provide misleading information to parents regarding the gender identity of their children. Sophia Lorey of the California Family Council and Sonja Shaw, a school board president at the nearby Chino Valley Unified School District, accused Planned Parenthood of influencing school sex education curricula and advocating the sterilization of healthy children with cross-sex hormones. She emphasized the need to protect children from the harmful spread of "trans ideology." Nicole Pearson, an attorney with Protect Kids California, stated that 1,000 people signed a petition at the protest, supporting a ballot initiative opposing "gender-affirming care" for minors, males competing in women's sports, and secret social gender transitions. "It’s a commentary on where we are socially and morally as a society. It’s just an abomination. It’s terrifying," Pearson said. Anti-gender ideology campaigner Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris" for his penchant for acting as a human billboard by wearing signs against gender ideology, spoke at the event. He described the teaching of gender dysphoric children as "complete insanity" and condemned it as the largest child abuse scandal in modern medical history. "As far as I’m concerned, it’s the largest child abuse scandal in modern medical history. Democrats won’t fix it, so California residents can write their own laws, which they’ve done. Now they just need to get signatures to get it on the ballot, and we know that if this gets on the ballot, it will pass," Elston said.

Californians reject gender ideology despite legislative push of state Democrats

A 2023 survey conducted by Spry Strategies revealed that the majority of Californians are still rejecting gender ideology despite the ongoing legislative efforts of state Democrats to redefine biological reality. The poll, which involved 1,000 prospective voters in California, uncovered that only 22 percent of respondents believe that sex is not binary, while a substantial 62 percent adhere to the traditional gender binary of male and female. According to the results, 70 percent of respondents agree with the definition of a woman being someone "biologically born female." This sentiment extends to gender-specific policies, with 59 percent of respondents opposing males who identify as females competing in women's sports and 64 percent objecting to their presence in women's changing or showering facilities. The survey reflects a strong stance against allowing males who identify as females to be housed in women's prisons, with 60 percent opposing the idea, rising to 68 percent when the male has been convicted of sexual assault or domestic violence. Additionally, 61 percent of respondents oppose the inclusion of men identifying as females in domestic violence shelters. Moreover, the survey also revealed a significant 63 percent opposition to minors receiving sex-change hormones and gender-transitioning procedures. Notably, 72 percent of respondents believe that parents should be notified if their child identifies as transgender at school, and 68 percent agree that parents should not lose custody of their child if they do not affirm their child's "gender identity." Despite the Democratic push for transgender rights in California, the survey suggests a growing opposition to pro-transgender laws in the state. Public opinion has shifted compared to three years ago, with increasing objection rates to the implementation of such laws in various areas, including changing rooms, prisons and domestic violence shelters. "The longer Californians think about it and the more experience they have with the consequences, the less they are on board with the direction their state government is taking," the report concluded. Furthermore, independent journalist Anthony Cabassa showcased a video of a thousand parents peacefully rallying on behalf of their children on Instagram. "People are rising up. They’re tired of the agenda. They’re tired of California Democrats just doing whatever they want, not listening to the will of the people. This is what happens," he said. Learn more about the spread of gender ideology in America at Watch this video to learn how gender ideology destroyed a father and his relationship with his son. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

More related stories:

New poll: Majority of Californians REJECT gender ideology.

Watch: Baseless gender ideology cartoon now part of 4th grade curriculum in Wisconsin.

California expands travel ban list over gender ideology to include Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming.

AP updates Stylebook telling writers to stop calling it "transgenderism," and to stop calling gender ideology an "ideology" – it’s just NORMAL, according to "experts."

Startling video exposes how aggressive trans ideology has taken over American lives.

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