IDIOCRACY IS HERE: Woke FAA now hiring workers with "severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities" in new DEI program
By ethanh // 2024-01-21
Secretary Pete Buttigieg's Department of Transportation (DOT) has unveiled a new "Diversity and Inclusion" program that aims to hire more people with "severe intellectual disability" and "psychiatric disability," among other disabilities, to work with the FAA which is responsible for air safety. Occurring just days after a recent mid-air near disaster involving the death trap known as the Boeing 737 Max, Buttigieg's DEI plan for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is to recruit more people with physical disabilities to handle important positions involving air travel. "Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring," the FAA's website reads. "They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism." Doing all this is "integral to achieving FAA's mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond," the U.S. taxpayer-funded federal agency further said about the plan. (Related: Check out what happened to Johannesburg, South Africa, after 30 years of diversity, equity, and inclusion.)

Would you fly on a mis-engineered Boeing 737 Max 9 piloted by a schizophrenic blind dwarf?

It is unclear precisely what the FAA hopes to accomplish with this latest stunt. It will only further chip away at public safety by making the "friendly skies" a certifiable warzone of dangerous, unpredictable flight activity caused by all the disability enrichment that Buttigieg is injecting into the FAA. Keep in mind that just a couple days ago, a Boeing 737 Max 9 flying over Portland saw its door ripped off due to the aircraft's flawed and faulty design. Combine that with Buttigieg's DEI program at the FAA and you get a recipe for disaster. Back in 2022, Boeing's corporate filings were analyzed, revealing that the airplane manufacturer also has a DEI program in place that involves hiring unqualified but "diverse" employees to handle jobs they have no idea how to do. "It's like someone wrote a manual on how to utterly screw up a country," wrote one outraged commenter over the insanity of Buttigieg and his ilk. "It's simple: the U.S. was (not is) the last thing standing in globalism's way," responded another. "Now, focus will shift to Europe and the Middle East as Bible prophecy lays out." "For one moment, we might have been that shining city upon a hill," said another. "Then we abandoned God and He abandoned us. Bible prophecy is truly playing out now. Read your Bible from cover to cover. It is all happening fast now. Repent and kneel at the foot of the cross. Only Jesus can save you." Another person wrote that he believes the U.S. government "is the whore who sits on top of the wild beasts of the earth." "The beast is made up of animals that one can recognize today as national symbols, like shoulders of a leopard, the head of a lion, and the feet of a bear. The UN is headquartered in NYC. The book of Revelation states to 'get out of her, my people, to avoid her plagues.'" The latest news about the woke-ification of the West can be found at Sources for this article include: