Banker claims COFFEE is bad for the climate at WEF annual meeting
By ramontomeydw // 2024-01-25
A Swiss banker argued during the recent annual meeting of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland that drinking coffee is bad for the climate. Huber Keller, senior managing partner at the Geneva-based Bank Lombard Odier & Co., put forward this argument on Jan. 17, during a panel discussion titled "Putting a Price on Nature." Aside from Keller, other speakers at the discussion included Ronald Hovsepian of the Boston-based agrotech firm Indigo Ag and Brazil's Environment Minister Marina Silva. The banker explained to the other speakers and the rest of the audience why people enjoying a cup of joe is bad for the climate. "The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee. [So] every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere," he said. "Most coffees are produced through monoculture, and monoculture is also affected by climate change. The quality of these nature assets is deteriorating quite rapidly." Keller also told his fellow panelists that there is an opportunity to reorganize the coffee industry – in the same vein as the WEF's Great Reset. According to him, the coffee industry – a $250 billion market globally – can be reorganized to make it more eco-friendly and address the reality that "most coffee growers live below the poverty line." But according to tech journalist Tim Hinchliffe, Keller insinuates that massive corporations his bank does business with will strip coffee growers of their livelihoods. "They're going after coffee farmers," he explained. "When [Keller] says production is 'fragmented,' he's saying it has yet to be captured by corporations and centralized. The coffee farmers in the globalist-termed 'Global South' are to be stripped of their livelihoods in the name of climate justice." "[Keller is] putting a guilt-trip on coffee drinkers for supporting poor coffee farmers, because they don't know any better in their 'monoculture' endeavors. It's all a power grab to seize land and the means of production to carbon tax you and I to oblivion."

Australian senator: Hands off our coffee

Malcolm Roberts, a federal senator for the state of Queensland in Australia, rebuked Keller and the rest of the elites at Davos. "Hands off our coffee," he warned. "The elitists at Davos love to chat about restricting travel, while comparing the private jets they flew in on. They push EVs, yet the Davos [limousines] are fuel powered. The forum sessions openly plot to reduce animal farming and fishing, yet they dine on the finest steak and seafood. Where do we draw the line?" (Related: Hypocrite globalists enjoy smorgasbord of fine foods while urging regular people to eat BUGS.) Roberts ultimately remarked that the endeavor to ban coffee is "all part of the plan to make you feel guilty for existing and change purchases to products owned by the WEF-connected billionaires." He urged people to "reject the CO2 climate scam." Author and scientist Gad Saad outlined a more sarcastic response to the Swiss banker. "Pets cause damage to the climate; cars do as well; having children is irresponsible because of overpopulation; eating meat is eco-terrorism; gas stoves are evil; and now coffee," he wrote. "I could list many other examples, but for now – here is a way that you could help the environment. If you don't have any children, commit to becoming celibate; restrict your diet to tofu; use walking as a green way of transportation; reimagine water as coffee and drink it in the morning; and for God's sake euthanize those eco-terrorists pets." Earth science researcher Dr. Matthew Wielicki wrote: "You need to stop drinking coffee … so Keller can fly another four miles in his private jet." Head over to for more stories about the World Economic Forum. Watch this clip of Hubert Keller claiming that coffee is bad for the climate. This video is from the Cynthia's Pursuit of Truth channel on

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