Israel BOMBS Belgian agency in Gaza as punishment for funding UN relief efforts for Palestinian refugees
By ethanh // 2024-02-07
In angry retaliation over Belgium's recent decision to continue funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Israel bombed the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation in Gaza, reducing the humanitarian facility to rubble. On X, Belgium's Minister of Development Cooperation Caroline Gennez reported that "[t]he office building of @Enabel, the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation, in #Gaza has been bombed and is completely destroyed," further suggesting that the bombing represents yet another act of war crimes by the Jewish state. "Attacking civilian buildings is and remains totally unacceptable," Gennez said, adding that Belgium "will summon the Israeli ambassador" over the bombing. Another thing that really upsets Israel is Belgium's support for South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. (Related: Many turncoat Republicans who notoriously complained about censorship in the past when it personally affected them are now all for censoring people who are critical of Israel's war on Gaza.)

U.S. caves to Israel, cuts funding for UNRWA

Israeli propagandist Carrie Keller-Lynn, who used to be a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), recently co-wrote a piece for the Wall Street Journal along with David Luhnow claiming that UNRWA is tied to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Keller-Lynn wrote that "around 10%" of the Palestinian aid agency's 12,000 staff members in Gaza have ties to "militants," citing an alleged "intelligence dossier." Keller-Lynn's piece was crafted to deter countries like the United States and Belgium from continuing to support UNRWA. As usual, the U.S. caved by stopping all aid to UNRWA like Israel wants, but Belgium resisted the pressure. "Israel is engaged in a barely concealed propaganda campaign to further starve Gaza and to distract from its own war crimes," tweeted Jeremy Scahill (@jeremyscahill) about the Journal propaganda piece. "Now they've gotten the WSJ to basically print a press release thinly disguised as a news article about an Israeli 'intelligence dossier' on UNRWA." Now the world waits to see if Belgium, at least, follows through in trying to hold Israel accountable for bombing its civilian aid facility in Gaza. The Zionist-controlled U.S. will ignore the matter completely while doing whatever Israel says, but perhaps Belgian officials will handle the matter differently. There is also the matter of Keller-Lynn conveniently failing to reveal that she is a former IDF soldier, as are many Western "journalists" who are reporting on the Israel-Gaza situation. Even as Arabs and Muslims are routinely being removed from reporting because they are allegedly "too close" to the story, Israeli assets are everywhere throughout the media making all kinds of claims, supposedly "independent," about what is "really" going on in the Middle East. "Not disclosing this information is journalistic malpractice," tweeted Dr. Bara Kurdi, M.D., about Keller-Lynn's failure to tell the truth about who she really is and who she really works for. Israel is outraged that not everyone is offering unconditional support for the Jewish state's war on Gaza. Learn more at Sources for this article include: